Former Director, Bureau of Economics
Speeches, Articles, and Statements
Selected Publications
- “Franchising and Exclusive Distribution: Adaptation and Antitrust†(with Margaret Slade), in Oxford Handbook on International Antitrust Economics, Roger Blair and Daniel Sokol (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “Incentive and Strategic Contracting: Implications for the Franchise Decision,†(with Margaret E. Slade) in Game Theory and Business Applications, Second Edition, K. Chatterjee and W. Samuelson (eds.) Kluwer Academic Press, 2014.
- “Inter-Firm Contracts: The Evidence†(with Margaret Slade), in Handbook of Organizational Economics, R. Gibbons and J. Roberts (eds.) Princeton University Press, 2013.
- “Too Far Away? The Effect of Distance to Headquarters on Business Establishment Performance†(with Arturs Kalnins). 2013. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 5(3): 157-79.
- “Organizational Form and Performance: Evidence from the Hotel Industry,†(with Renáta Kosová and Rozenn Perrigot). 2013. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(4): 1303-1323
- “Transaction Cost Economics and Vertical Market Restrictions—Evidence†(with Margaret Slade), The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (3), Fall 2010.
- “Markets: State Franchise Laws, Dealer Terminations, and the Auto Crisis†(with Fiona Scott Morton), Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24 (3): 233-50, 2010.
- “Do Labor Market Rigidities Have Microeconomic Effects: Evidence from Within the Firm,†(with Jagadeesh Sivadasan), American Economic Journal – Applied, 1 (2): 88-127, 2009.
- “Empirical Assessment of Exclusive Contracts†(with Margaret Slade), in Handbook of Antitrust Economics, Paolo Buccirossi (ed.) Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008.
- “Vertical Integration and Firm Boundaries: The Evidence†(with Margaret Slade), Journal of Economic Literature, 45: 629-685, 2007.
- “Understanding the Economics of Franchising and the Laws That Regulate It†(with Roger Blair), Franchise Law Journal, 26: 2-13, 2006.
- “Targeting Managerial Control: Evidence from Franchising†(with Kathryn L. Shaw), RAND Journal of Economics, 36, 2005, 131-150.
- “The Dynamics of Franchise Contracting: Evidence from Panel Data†(with Kathryn L. Shaw), The Journal of Political Economy, 107, 1999, 1041-1080.
- “W¾±±ô±ô Khan Foster or Hinder Franchising? An Economic Analysis of Maximum Resale Price Maintenance†(with Roger Blair), Journal of Public Policy in Marketing, 18, 1999, 25-36.
The Economics of Franchising (with Roger Blair), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 and 2011.
Selected Presentations
- "Serial Entrepreneurship: Learning by Doing?" NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2014
- "Franchising: Economics and Policy International Workshop on Franchising, Retail & Service Chains," Université de Rennes 1, 2014
- "Delegation and Pay-for-Performance: Evidence from Industrial Sales Forces," International Society of New Institutional Economics Meetings, Florence, Italy, 2013