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Claims about employment prospects and income levels are like any other objective advertising representation – and Job #1 for advertisers is to support those promises with solid evidence. DeVry University and its parent company have entered into a that the defendants’ claims didn’t make the grade.

According to the FTC, DeVry violated the law by deceptively claiming that 90% of its grads actively seeking employment landed jobs in their field within six months of graduation. The complaint also challenged as misleading DeVry’s representation that one year after graduation, its bachelor’s degree grads had, on average, incomes that were 15% higher than the incomes of bachelor’s degree grads from all other colleges and universities.

How will the $100 million settlement be distributed? DeVry will pay $49.4 million in cash to qualifying students who were harmed by the deceptive ads. The proposed order includes an additional $50.6 million in debt forgiveness. That figure represents the full balance owed on all unpaid private student loans issued to DeVry undergrads between September 2008 and September 2015 – $30.35 million – plus $20.25 million in student debt for things like tuition, books, and lab fees.

But that’s not all the defendants will be doing for students the FTC alleges were deceived. The order also requires DeVry to:

  • directly notify consumers who will be receiving debt forgiveness;
  • inform credit bureaus and collection agencies of the debt forgiveness;
  • release transcripts and diplomas that DeVry withheld from students because of outstanding debt and cooperate with future requests for diplomas, transcripts, and related enrollment or graduation information; and
  • set up a dedicated telephone hotline where consumers can call with questions about debt forgiveness, their credit reports, or collections concerns.

also includes provisions that will change how DeVry does business from here on in. Among other things, the prohibits DeVry from misrepresenting the likelihood that graduates will get a job as a result of their degree. In addition, if the defendants want to make future claims about its graduates’ success in finding jobs near graduation, they can’t include jobs that students landed more than six months before graduating. The settlement also prohibits DeVry from misrepresenting the compensation students or grads have earned or can expect to earn.

What lessons can others can learn from the FTC’s action against DeVry University?

1.   For many consumers, education is the second-largest purchase they’ll ever make. Companies in that sector and within the FTC’s jurisdiction are held to the same truth-in-advertising standards as any other business.

2.   Say “substantiation” and some advertisers erroneously assume the term refers just to things like health claims. Wrong.  If your company makes any objective representation expressly or by implication – including statements about employment or earnings prospects – you need solid proof to back up those promises.

Visit ftc.gov/devry for more information about the DeVry settlement and share consumer tips from the FTC about .


April 27, 2017
You can sue Devry directly through the arbitration forum to wipe the debt out! Easiest way to do it. The Chicago Tribune article below explains 94 people who are doing it. The FTC action only overs private loans and totals $100 million. Devry student loan debt is $8.1 billion.
Ann Williams
April 25, 2017
Back in the 1990s, all I heard on TV was DeVry guaranteed career placement after completing a degree in your field. Living the American Dream after pursuing my degree and guaranteed job placement after completion was the beginning. I was excited until toward the end of my program. I graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems. An internship and assigned a Career Advisor was the beginning. Denied of an internship, went through several Career Advisors, and left me in the loop. I took my complaint all the way to the top finding out that nobody would do his or her part to make this happen for me. Persistent in getting interviews was a great feeling. Finding out weeks to months later that they would not hire me due to my skills not current through DeVry was a disappointment. Courses they offer with their curriculum was not beneficial in the job world was a downturn. Misled and not living the American Dream with potential with a well-known Company was biggest disappointment. Instead, I am stuck with a student debt that accumulates absurd interest is not what I ask. DeVry did not fulfill their requirements to their graduates. My student loan is old because it was in deferment for periods due to no income, not able to get decent career job just medial jobs and there were hiring freeze due to Depression. Career advisors did not meet their standards to connect their graduates in maintaining employment with well-known Companies. This debt had caused me turmoil knowing that I could have a better-secured life if DeVry did their part. My outstanding student loan along with others are in the same boat should be erased with no claiming the difference on the tax return. We are not gaining profits – just asking for a second chance of student loan debt free or pursuing different career path. When we have to claim it on the tax return, you will have to worry paying the government.
May 01, 2017
My brother went to Devry. He went to a junior college first and got his associates and they told him he would finish in 2 years and all his credits from junior college would transfer...next thing only 34 credits transfered...then they told him he would be there 3.5 years...the whole trimester thing and payments due all the time is a quick scam...he would sign up for classes and they would say due to lack of enrollment the class is cancelled causing him to go an extra half year. Plus they told him he could double major and then come graduation time they told him he needed to do more classes and that they dont offer double majors. I went to u of i and lived on campus 4 years costing about 100k...he commuted to school for 3.5 years and it cost him 70k. Something just didnt add up. My father got frustrated and called to get answers since he was helping to pay and help with the financial burden. The school told my dad he is not a student and my brother is old enough and jis financials are confidential and hung up. Boy was my dad furious. He made my brother go in and ask questions to get to the bottom of it. It was too late. My brother did graduate but worked at arbys for 2.5 years...having difficulty getting a job in his field. I am happy for this lawsuit and hope he gets a majority of his money back from this scamming school. I wish he could get debt forgiveness. Hopefully he can get 40 to 50k back. I feel its too high and amount...im thinking more along the lines of 2k but we paid a lot out of pocket and he took so many loans..he has been struggling with them since. The price we pay for higher education and to better ourselves only to work dead end jobs. I hope devry gets what they deserve!!!!
May 03, 2017
What about those who attended between 2005-2007?! I signed up under the promise of job placement within 6 months. Never received an ounce of assistance from their Career Development department. This settlement needs to be investigated prior to 2008.
May 03, 2017
Ms. Small, Excuse me the number of students enrolled during the Settlement Period was between 29 and 49,000! Unless there's something not being fully disclosed what does partial mean? Each of us should be refunded fully the monies given sadly to DeVry.
May 09, 2017
How can this benefit me? I'm a student that didn't graduate, paying student loans and no better for it. I have the same job as better.
May 10, 2017
I'm so confused... I went to DeVry from 2010 to 2013, racking up 60k in debt and not even finishing my degree because I ran out of funding. I was completely lied to by the admissions folks about earning potential of grads, job placement, and most importantly to me, I was told explicitly that I could finish my degree in less than 4 years without ANY out of pocket expenses. Instead, I completed 80 of 128 hours in 3 years, forced into taking 1 class a session for the last year I attended and exhausted my funding to the point that I HAD to stop going because I could not pay out of pocket for my classes. My intent when I signed up for DeVry was to complete my degree program and be able to pay back the loans with my high paying job I'd get as a result of having graduated from DeVry. I feel like I could be the poster child for everything that was wrong with DeVry's deceptive business practices. yet, I have neither been contacted by the FTC or DeVry regarding any sort of debt relief/refund/reimbursement. What should I do and where do I go from here???
May 12, 2017
How do I know if I qualified for this forgiveness?? I heard that I have to wait to get a latter. How long would it take to get it?
Frederick Ellington
May 14, 2017
Thank you FTC, My degree I have from DeVry is a laughing stock to employers right now, and DeVry should pay!
Denise Day
May 15, 2017
Lawsuit only applies to new enrollment 1/2008-/2015 I enrolled n 2007 accepted private loans assumed better future graduate 2009.. I owe more debt career advisor and job placement was not as promised.. I think the lawsuit is unjust.. Unfair
Adam P
May 21, 2017
Why did a bunch of comments get deleted?
May 22, 2017

In reply to by Adam P

Hi, Adam P.  We haven't deleted any comments.  But we've run a total of seven blog posts about the Devry case in the FTC's Business Blog and Consumer Blog.  Could the comments you're looking for be ?


Derrick D
May 23, 2017
What about students who didn't graduate? Devry's tuition cost and associated fees were extremely high causing a maximized FAFSA loan account. The only alternative was for the student to take out a private loan further placing him/her in deeper debt.? Further more a Devry degree or job experience could not afford to cover this debt.
Jack Class
June 01, 2017
I attended and completed my bachelors 2008-2011. Do we have to do anything to get the refunds and or the forgiveness to the loans (e.g., call a number, register somewhere, etc.) or do we just wait patiently for a check in the mail and hope it does not go to our ex-address? I just went on their my.devry.edu site and updated my address and phone.
June 03, 2017

In reply to by Jack Class

Call 844-578-2648 FTC administrator to make sure they have your correct address. They can also tell you if your on the list for a refund.
Charles Oliver
June 01, 2017
As graduate from DeVry 2011, how do I qualify as part of this settlement? Considering that I have just heard of this.?
June 16, 2017
I went to DeVry from 2002 to 2008 and they had the same advertisement it was a 3 column paper with expected salaries after graduation
June 18, 2017
Can non-graduates be part of the suit? I started with DeVry in September 2008, and stopped in December 2012 without graduating. I was fed the same BS line at the beginning, about how I would find a job within six months.
June 20, 2017
I never got a chance to graduate. When i started with devry i asked them "if i had enough money left over in my student loans to graduate with a BS?" They said "absolutely" and that's the only reason i went there. Half way through my degree rates went from 250 a credit to 500 a credit and i no longer had the money to finish the worthless degree. They are scumbags. If they would've told me "you have enough as of right now, but if our rates raise you wouldn't habe enough" i would've not gone to that school. Bait and switch...
Donald V.
June 22, 2017
Since the settlement will be rolling out, do I still need to make monthly payment to Navient? What is the point of continuing making payment?
Wil R
June 27, 2017
How do I submit to be apart of this settlement as I was completely deceived by Devry University from the false advertising to how my classes were funded. Thanks in advance for any help with this matter.
July 05, 2017
According to the FAQ: Who was eligible for a refund? To be eligible, a student had to meet all four of the following conditions: You enrolled in a bachelor’s or associate’s degree program at DeVry University between January 1, 2008 and October 1, 2015. You paid at least $5,000 with cash, loans or military benefits. You did not get debt or loan forgiveness as part of this settlement. You completed at least one class credit. You did not get debt or loan forgiveness as part of this settlement. If you did get a debt or loan forgiveness and were still paying for it past the principle, you will NOT get a refund. So say you owed $5,000 and you paid $7,000 because of the interest, DeVr5y got their $5,000 plus the extra $7,000 because they forgave your debt/loan.
July 05, 2017
wow 173,000 checks thats like 280 dollars a person!!! That's not enough for the damages devry has done.. They should of taken at least 20 billion to pay everyone back.
July 06, 2017
How would I know if i qualify for forgiveness? I went to Devry from 2005-2008. Who can I contact?
Kevin C
July 06, 2017
Hope no one was holding their breath for a decent return. A lot of people got screwed on this. I'm getting back $95 and I pumped about 30-35K into Devry, and that was including military funds from my GI Bill. I'm gussing the lawyers got one heck of a payday from this though
karol zubach
July 07, 2017
How does a former student find out if they are included in this lawsuit? I am a graduate from Devry with a BS degree in CIS who has never been able to obtain a high paying job as promised. I am currently working as a CNA with a 40,000 dollar debt!!
July 09, 2017
What do I need to do to add myself to the claim to receive part of the settlement?
Tyeon Bethany
July 10, 2017
I attended Devry in 1999- 2003, and again in 2006! All I seemed to have gotten to was in debt with them. They offered the same classes with be different numbers, basically keeping you from progressing while taking your money.
Jerome Adams
July 12, 2017
I am a veteran and instead of loan forgiveness I want to know if my GI bill benefits can be refunded? I lost time and funding from my GI Bill dealing with DeVry, is this possible?
July 20, 2017
What a complete joke. If my wife had taken her $55K of loans direct from Devry, she would have received complete forgiveness, but instead, she took private loans and ended up with a $620 check. Thanks FTC, we will go out for a nice dinner before our next monthly $1K payment is due while she is still looking for a job
July 25, 2017
I attended Devry Aug 2012 - Apr 2014 for a Bachelors in Technical Management & Accounting I received a portion of the settlement about 10 days ago. Why wouldn't I have received debt forgiveness?
August 22, 2017
Hello, I called the hotline number posted on your website because I never received any correspondence in regards to this settlement. I still have access to my student account at Devry, therefore I was able to quickly confirm that I met all requirements for the settlement. However, when I called the hotline - I was told that they did not show that I had paid anything. I was directed to call Devry, I did. I was told that they see that I definitely paid more than $5000 within the timeframe that was set forth in the settlement terms. However, they did not seem to know exactly what to do. I am trying to be very proactive because I know that there is a deadline for the settlement. How do I submit my payment statements and/or forms to prove that I qualify?
Jennifer Thomas
August 24, 2017
I have a student loan debt from back in 2011, Isn't Devry supposed to inform the debt collector to remove any student loan debts? If so when?
Jennifer Thomas
August 24, 2017
Who arew we supposed to contact for more information reegaurdong student loan debts?
September 18, 2017
How do I go about starting the process on this? I was a Keller grad sturdent.
Roy Quintero
October 07, 2017
I was one of the student whio was affected by this recent law suit against Devry. Currenly Devry is sending collection Attorney after me for educard balance . I never received my diploma or graduated due in to this unpaid balance. I thought the loans issued by the would be forgiven. Any advise or resources I can use in order to avoid getting sued for this debt? Why are they not forgiving the balance ?
Elwin C Holmes
November 08, 2017
How far back does this go?
January 10, 2018
Is this just for undergrads or Graduate stude ts as well?
January 24, 2018
This settlement was a joke. I am STILL paying on my DeVry private loan. They refused to pay mine off like they did for everyone else because I refinanced it with another lender a few months before the settlement was approved.
Daniel Mckinney
April 17, 2018
I graduated from DeVry /Keller School Of Mangement. They had advertisements about jobs etc. Do I qualify.
Daniel K
June 11, 2018
As others have previously posted, I attended and graduated from Keller Graduate School. I only chose to attend Keller based on the misleading information that the class action law suit was based on. With having a graduate degree, I do not make any more than those in my chosen field nor was I able to find a job within the 6 months that they advertised. I graduated in the fall of 2015 and here we are in June of 2018 and I still cannot find a job in my field.

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