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Ohioans know how to handle the virtually impossible. Take Clawde, a rare blue lobster that was destined for a dinner plate this July when a sharp-eyed worker in a Cuyahoga Falls Red Lobster restaurant spotted him, fished him from a holding tank, and started events that landed Clawde in posh new digs at the — where a veterinarian’s exam led Clawde to be redubbed Clawdia. According to the zoo, blue lobsters occur one in every 2 million. And the chances of one being caught, shipped, saved, and not savored? We’ll go with virtually impossible.Logo for Green Lights & Red Flags workshop

Why are we telling you? Well, who among us doesn’t need a good lobster tale these days? But it also brings us to another rare event soon to happen in Ohio — Green Lights & Red Flags: FTC Rules of the Road for Business. It’s a free business seminar focused on hot topics in truth-in-advertising law, social media marketing, data security, business-to-business fraud, and more. It will take place on Thursday, October 29, from 1 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time, online from Cleveland. Since it’s virtually possible for you to attend from wherever you are, you’re invited.

Green Lights & Red Flags continues a popular business workshop series that the FTC has held over the years with regional partners in cities across the county. The Cleveland event will bring together national and state legal experts and Ohio business and marketing professionals to offer practical insights into how established consumer protection principles apply in today’s marketplace. Business owners, marketing and advertising professionals, and lawyers who advise them will want to attend.

The workshop is co-hosted by the FTC, the Office of the Ohio Attorney General, Better Business Bureau Serving Greater Cleveland, and the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs. Visit the event page for details and to . We hope you’ll join us, virtually. No lobster bibs are needed!

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