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If there were a bingo board that included just about every privacy and data security issue on the minds of consumers, academics, businesses, and government agencies, the FTC’s eighth annual PrivacyCon would be a winner. Take a look at the just-announced agenda and clear your calendar for March 6, 2024, to hear what experts have to say about the latest research and trends.

FTC Chair Khan will convene PrivacyCon at 9:00 ET. The first panel will address the Economics of privacy, followed by a panel that will explore Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors. After mid-morning remarks by Commissioner Slaughter, Panel #3 will take on the of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Design Analysis.

Commissioner Bedoya will introduce the afternoon session at 12:55 ET. Panel #4 will discuss Health Privacy while Panel #5 will consider the implications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Rounding out PrivacyCon 2024 will be panels discussing Mobile Device Security and Deepfakes.

The virtual event is free and open to the public. Watch the webcast on Wednesday, March 6th, from a link that will go live shortly before the 9:00 ET start time. If you have a question now or on the day of the event, send it to Privacycon@ftc.gov.

FTC PrivacyCon 2024
David Myth
February 29, 2024

Excellent article! This research really seems revolutionary.

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