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On what I’m declaring Lesley Fair Day, we’re celebrating someone who’s become an institution at this agency – for her policy of carpe podium, her mentorship of many an attorney at the agency and in state AG offices around the country, for the Business Blog…and so much more. As Lesley departs the 鶹ý Trade Commission after 37 years (no one would ever say Lesley is retiring), it’s a good time for a highlights reel. So grab your coffee and a Lesley cookie: here we go.

Nearly 14 years ago, this blog was launched with a David Vladeck-bylined post promising “…a minimum of ho-hum, a maximum of how-to, and as little yadda yadda yadda as a legal website can manage.” As regular readers can attest, Lesley, the primary author of hundreds of Business Blog posts (including many a post bylined by someone else…including (ahem) Bureau Directors), has delivered on that promise. In spades.

There’s hardly a BCP case, rule, or happening that hasn’t been covered on the FTC Business Blog. For cases big, huge, and much smaller, Lesley’s business posts explained not only what just happened, but what it meant: to the defendant, to businesses that would rather not become defendants, to the law. Sometimes to the tune of a slightly dubious ’90s rap song. A frequent refrain was, “you’ll want to read the complaint…” – but, really, we mainly wanted to know Professor Fair’s take on that particular case, how it related to other cases, and what it changed or reinforced about FTC case law. Rules and things like Data Spotlights got the Fair treatment, too: from a review of tenant screening and business obligations under the FCRA (to the tune of “YMCA”) to her patented business-people-are-consumers-too treatment of impersonator scams…and so much in between.

Puns, pop culture, songs from your past: there’s little Lesley wouldn’t do to set a hook to reel a reader in. And, while you might open that message to find out what, exactly, Steely Dan had to do with FTC accomplishments, you’d stay for the sharpest legal analysis anyone can find anywhere. A fact that the ABA Journal took note of when they named the FTC’s Business Blog to their Best Law Blog List. Note: not best government blog (though it unquestionably is). Best law blog. But, readers, you know that already: if you want to know what’s happening with BCP cases, rules, and activities, the best place to start is the Business Blog.

Business guidance got the same thorough, knowledgeable, plain language treatment. In fact, when one defendant said they’d never been given fair notice of a change in FTC policy, an FTC staffer noted that, in fact, “they got not only fair notice, they got Lesley Fair notice.” And anyone who’s ever had the pleasure of hearing Lesley speak (while being simultaneously grateful their own speech didn’t have to follow hers…) knows that there’s nobody better at engaging an audience while making plain FTC law. As recently as this summer, a class of newer FTC attorneys got lucky enough to have deposition training by Lesley, and will be all the better for it.

I could go on, as, probably, could you. But I’ll stop and say, on behalf of all the Bureau Directors before me who were lucky enough to be ghostwritten by Lesley; on behalf of case teams who got the pleasure of her fresh takes on their cases; on behalf of all the several hundred thousand readers of this blog: thank you. It’s been educational and enlightening and a very great pleasure.

Now, if you’re one of the many Steiger Fellows that Lesley placed, or you’re one of her former (or current) law students from Catholic University or George Washington University, or if you’ve been a colleague of hers during her 37 years at the FTC – or if you’re just one of her many adoring fans – drop a comment below. Share a story. Mention your favorite blog post. Join us in thanking Lesley for her spectacular career.


It’s Lesley Fair Day at the FTC

September 16, 2024

Cindi McEntee
September 17, 2024

Best of luck, Lesley Fair, in whatever it is you're gonna do next! While I confess I haven't really read your legal blog.... As a former legal assistant (while in the FDIC and beyond) I truly do wish you ALL the very best!!!! One last thing.... May the wind be at your back!

Dee Pridgen
September 17, 2024

What an impressive list of commenters and well deserved recognition. I have always admired your work and really depended on your blog to keep up with FTC consumer protection news in an accessible and enjoyable way. As many have noted, your speeches at conferences such as Teaching Consumer Law, have always been outstanding--informative and entertaining. I will miss reading the blog but hopefully you won't totally disappear from the consumer protection scene.

Erika Wodinsky
September 17, 2024

It is hard to add anything new to the wonderful, well-deserved tributes to Lesley -- who will always be my hero! A brilliant lawyer, speaker, teacher, writer, and so much more! No one else could bring so much energy and clarity (and humor) to explaining the law. I always told anyone new to the agency (experienced attorneys as well as student interns) that they should drop everything to go hear Lesley speak. You would come away having learned so much, and excited about serving the American consumer. And her blogs -- pure poetry! Lesley -- how do we thank you enough for enriching all of our lives over the years and showing us the best of public service? You are the best!

September 17, 2024

Thank you for your friendship, guidance, extraordinary institutional and legal knowledge, wonderful creativity, humor and, above all, your generosity. No matter how many projects you’re juggling, you always make time to answer a question, listen to a woe, share a story, or offer a kindness. You praise and credit others for work that (judging from my own experience), I’m pretty sure you’ve made stellar. And you constantly teach, working late (late!) hours to make certain that your audience can readily grasp the lessons you impart. Why the present tense? Because I know that retirement won’t slow you. A teacher has got to teach. Lesley -- it has been a privilege to work with you and an honor to call you my friend.

Joni Lupovitz
September 17, 2024

A huge hurrah for the incomparable Lesley Fair! During the years I served at the Commission and in the years since, I’ve relied on Lesley to explain FTC activity in plain English, with wit and wisdom. Sending much gratitude and all good wishes Lesley’s way.
Can’t wait for her next blog!

September 17, 2024

Lesley, I'm honored I got to work with you. I looked forward to going to work everyday just to hear your take on legal stuff, pop culture stuff, and everything in between. Thank you for your service!

Sarah S (SF)
September 17, 2024

You're a national treasure! Thank you for devoting your career to public service and sharing your many talents with us.

Jocile Ehrlich…
September 17, 2024

Well, this isn't how I expected to start my week!

Our paths crossed too many years ago, and every time they crossed since then, it was like two old friends, just picking up as if the years between never happened. Your wicked wit and passion to educate marry so beautifully. I can hear your voice in every blog I read and I can hardly keep myself from chuckling. Sometimes I don't! I'm so proud to call you my friend. It has been an honor and such a wonderful ride to be part of your journey. If you ever find yourself in Cincinnati, our door is always open. Enjoy your next adventure. I know you'll embrace it as passionately as you embraced this one. All the best to you, my friend!

Karin Beal
September 17, 2024

Sad to see her go, but wish her nothing but Fair weather days in her well deserved...cession of daily reporting to the office. Since, as was stated and obvious to all her readers, a true ace of their trade never retires, only stops reporting to work on a daily basis! But, I can't imagine Ms. Fair could ever retire from her brilliant analysis of the cases which make their way into the realm of the FTC. As a business owner, and often pro se litigant, as well as an advisor and strategist for other small businesses, I must say even though I only have been a reader of Ms. Fair's writings for about 4 years, she has helped me beyond belief. I actually referenced an article of hers as Exhibit A in a lawsuit I am currently filing against a car dealership whom as she so eloquently described "took me for a ride". You will be missed, however no one is more deserving of being the master of their daily activities than someone like Ms. Fair whom dedicated so many years to others. Thanks Ms.Lesley Fair! Hopefully we still get a random blog post when a Fair decision comes along that will change the landscape of business. Thank you again and enjoy some lazy days!- Karin Beal

Kati Daffan
September 17, 2024

How's it possible to recognize contributions like yours, Lesley? Sam's words and these comments from far-flung admirers are a great start, because they begin to reflect the crazy breadth and depth of your contributions. Tbh, thinking about that makes the day a bit devastating for selfish current FTCers. But we know you want us to find something to smile about as usual, so the forced celebration is fitting; we must grit our teeth and wish a Happy Lesley Fair Day to one and all!

Kristin Cohen
September 17, 2024

You will be so missed, Lesley! I've learned so much from you over the years and honestly can't imagine the FTC without you. You've made such an important and valuable impact for your colleagues and consumers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Andra Dallas
September 17, 2024

The best speaker EVER! *no substantiation needed

Georgianna All…
September 17, 2024

I worked in Ad Prac w Lesley in the early ‘90s and always loved her upbeat and charming personality. I haven’t seen her for many years, but admire her dedication to making the communication of the FTC strong, humorous and well-respected. What a gift and talent to share for so many years.

Enjoy your retirement Lesley and someday I hope we can have lunch together when I’m traveling through DC.

Your laugh has always stuck with me - 31 years later! Xo Geej

Jennifer Leach
September 17, 2024

Thank you, Lesley, for everything! The legacy you leave behind you is immeasurable, including all the people you mentored and guided, the issues you influenced, the way you taught us all how to think and write about consumer protection topics, and how to never *not* carpe the podium to spread the word to anyone who'd listen. (Including trips in buses with poles in them, one of my lingering favorite stories...among so many.) A very personal thank you for many years of friendship and laughs, for dealing with my brothers and my dad's storage unit, for letting me make pudding for your mom, and for being such a wonderful presence in this division and agency. We'll all miss you, but I look forward to seeing what's next!

Evan Rose
September 17, 2024

I’m going to miss working with you, Lesley! Your energy and enthusiasm for our work has always inspired me, and your ability to bring humor and creativity to what we do is unmatched. Most of the (many) people I’ve told about you over the years probably think your first name is actually “Legendary.” Please keep in touch with your FTC family!

Nicole C
September 17, 2024

Everyone who worked with Lesley at the FTC is impressed by her wit, professionalism, dedication, and immense knowledge. In a moment of personal crisis, I also discovered that Lesley is incredibly kind, generous, and empathetic. She will be remember fondly--and not just for her laugh-out-loud blog titles!!

Andi Arias
September 17, 2024

Oh, Lesley, you are irreplaceable. The Business Blog, but more importantly, the FTC will not be the same without you. Thank you for your years of service to consumers, and for being an ever present source of knowledge, cheerfulness, and professionalism for all FTC attorneys and colleagues. Make sure you pass on your chocolate chip cookie recipe to your replacement, or the holidays around the BC will never be the same without you.

Colleen Tressler
September 17, 2024

Thank you! For everything! From your mastery of the law, dedication to the American consumer, educational – and entertaining — business blog posts and, yes, to your homemade "Lesley cookies" and pesto. I have so enjoyed working with you over the years and reminiscing about all those “remember when” moments, including stories about shopping at Alcott & Andrews back in the day. Ha! I wish you every happiness as you write the next chapter of your amazing life. Here’s to you, Lesley! Cheers! 🥂

Mike Dershowitz
September 17, 2024

It was such a joy to work with you in Advertising Practices so long ago. You brought the strongest commitment to serving the public interest, along with the greatest sense of humor.
I salute you for doing it as long as you did. You made an incredible contribution and will be dearly missed.
Carry on my friend.
Mike Dershowitz

Matthew Gold
September 17, 2024

A truly fitting tribute to a wonderful and hilarious former colleague. As someone whose speech had to follow a Lesley Fair speech on a number of occasions, I can certainly second just how difficult that was. All the best, Lesley!

Kevin Moriarty
September 17, 2024

Lesley - Thank you for giving industry "Fair" notice of the application of the FTC Act to unfair data security practices... I'm not sure our program would have survived the Wyndham challenge if you hadn't! I never worked on a case where I didn't sometimes daydream about what puns and other humor you might find for your blog entry. You always came through, right up to my last investigation... ("there aren’t enough r’s in “Arrrrrrrgghh” to convey the FTC’s concern...."). At the same time, the analysis was always so good -- you always got to the heart of the lessons learned and conveyed them effectively. You'll be missed.

Mike Dershowitz
September 17, 2024

It was such a joy to work with you in Advertising Practices so long ago.
You brought the strongest commitment to serving the public interest, along with the greatest sense of humor.
I salute you for doing it as long as you did. You made an incredible contribution and will be dearly missed.
Carry on my friend.

Ashley Gum
September 18, 2024

"Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings!"

So much more than a blogger, Lesley is an institution unto herself! It's Fair to say that Lesley did more to educate (and thus benefit) American consumers than any other individual in FTC history. I wish her the best, and I wish the agency good luck in trying to replace her.

Jim Dudukovich
September 18, 2024

Thank you for being you, Lesley! You have been a bright shining light for my entire career and it has been a joy to know you and to learn from you! Wishing you the happiest of trails!

Linda Holleran Kopp
September 18, 2024

Congratulations Lesley! Very well deserved! A tremendous loss for the Commission -- not just in terms of your hilarious, informative and insightful blog posts and other works, but also as a colleague, mentor, and friend to so many. You leave behind a truly storied and wonderful legacy! We will miss you!!

Daniel Kaufman
September 18, 2024

As a junior attorney new to the FTC, I was lucky enough to have Lesley second chair my first three Investigational Hearings. The case closed, but I was incredibly fortunate to get to work with Lesley on that case and for two more decades. Your impact on the agency and the field of consumer protection law is simply unrivaled and we are all better off thanks to your legacy. Thanks for everything.

Alvaro Puig
September 18, 2024

Lesley, you’re a font of knowledge, a master wordsmith, and an unparalleled storyteller. I feel so lucky to have worked alongside you in DCBE for two decades. I’ll miss you and wish you all the best in your next adventures.

Joel Winston
September 20, 2024

So Lesley, you finally did it! Much congratulations to you. We, of course, go way back to your attorney days and the Norelco case. What adventures we had! (BTW, Ed O'Hanion says that he is "very comfortable" with your decision to retire.) So, I can add that not only were you a great and treasured consumer communicator, but a hell of a litigator too. And a unique and special friend with an encyclopedic knowledge of every sort of topic. If Google had never been invented, you could have served in that role. All the best for you going forward!!

Claire Rosenzw…
September 23, 2024

On behalf of BBB of Metro NY we wish Leslie the very best as she heads into this next life phase. We have always been grateful for the work we have done with the FTC and appreciated the opportunity to work with Leslie over time.

Betsy Broder
September 24, 2024

Nobody does it better, makes me feel sad for the rest. . . of us who will miss her punny and on point blogs and bon mots. Wishing Lesley all the best in her next phase.

Jim Mongoven
September 24, 2024

It is a long way from South Bend. Congratulations for sticking your neck where you wanted to, whether they were ready for you or not. Be proud of a job well done.

Katie Race Brin
September 25, 2024

Lesley is the jewel in the FTC’s crown. She makes everything sparkle a bit brighter. Her ability to distill cases that are complicated and sometime (ahem) a bit dry, made the FTC’s important mission so much more accessible to everyday Americans. And she makes a ridiculous addictive cookie to boot. Thank you, Lesley!

Chris D Wells
September 28, 2024

It is a real blessing to have someone in this country to actually enforce the rules and regulations that are passed for various reasons. You will be missed!

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