The FTC has issued a Notice that it has determined that certain acts or practices concerning labeling, invoicing or advertising of furs or fur products are unfair or deceptive, and violate the FTC Act.
Notice of Penalty Offenses Concerning Labeling, Invoicing and Advertising of Fur Products (1978).
Transcript of Notice of Penalty Offenses Concerning Labeling, Invoicing and Advertising of Fur Products (created 2022).
The FTC administrative decisions establishing penalty offenses concerning labeling, invoicing or advertising of furs or fur products:
- B. Wollman & Bros., Inc., 63 F.T.C. 1617 (1963).
- Edgar Gevirtz, 61 PTC 74 (1962).
- Hoving Corp., 57 F.T.C. 690 (1960), ²¹´Ú´Ú’d, 290 F.2d 803 (1961).
- American Deb Furs, Inc., 56 F.T.C. 1275 (1960)
- Rudolph Mendiola, 56 F.T.C. 1265 (1960).
- Kitty Lefin, 56 F.T.C. 1189 (1960).
- Samuel A. Mannis and Co., 56 F.T.C. 833 (1960), ²¹´Ú´Ú’d, 293 F.2d 774 (9th Cir. 1961).
- Associated Dry Goods Corp., 56 F.T.C. 638 (1959)
- Brooklyn Fashion Center, Inc., 56 F.T.C. 535 (1959).
- Leviant Brothers, Inc., 56 F.T.C. 120 (1959).
- Kolomer Bros., Inc., 56 F.T.C. 113 (1959).
- Irving C. Katz Co., Inc., 56 F.T.C. 103 (1959).
- Harry Graff & Son, Inc., 56 F.T.C. 92 (1959).
- The Higbee Co., 55 F.T.C. 1921 (1959).
- I. Rubin, Inc., 54 F.T.C. 1242 (1958).
- Maurice Ball, 54 F.T.C. 436 (1957).
- Ben Cohen, 54 F.T.C. 203 (1957).
- Mandel Brothers, Inc., 54 F.T.C. 50 (1957); ²¹´Ú´Ú’d as modified, 254 F.2d 18 (7th Cir. 1958), Commission decision ²¹´Ú´Ú’d, 359 U.S. 385 (1959), modified, 56 F.T.C. 355 (1959).
- Jacques De Gorter, 52 F.T.C. 1307 (1956), ²¹´Ú´Ú’d, 244 F.2d 270 (9th Cir. 1957).
About Notices of Penalty Offenses
A Notice of Penalty Offenses is a document listing certain types of conduct that the FTC has determined, in one or more litigated administrative cases, to be unfair or deceptive in violation of the FTC Act.
Learn more about Notices of Penalty Offenses