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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
3/18/1998, called writer to inform him that size of person test (by JV) was [not] met because the sub-leasing is not a guaranty and, thus, would not be included as a contribution in the formation of...
3/18/98 Writer confirmed that on chart included on Section 4 Page 2, the husband and wife noted held all of the outstanding voting stock of the nine corporations listed. The balance of the authorized...
3/18/98 Advised writer that sale of subject assets did not appear to constitute the disposition of an “operating unit”. Since seller was remaining in the mortgage servicing business, the transaction...
3/12/98 Confirmed w/ writer that same procedure should be followed, namely that(redacted) does not have to file, but filing may be made by (redacted) and (redacted).
3/11/98 Confirmed w/ writer that acquisition of new franchises would be looked at as a separate transaction from previously filed transaction and thresholds would be applicable. If acquisition did not...
3/6/98 Advised writer that shareholders of B do not have to report for the taking of the same % ( or lesser) shares in Newco since Newco is the successor to B and only holds B as a sub. Also on p.6...