Displaying 9041 - 9060 of 37761
27 de Sep de 2017
26 de Sep de 2017
Case Timeline Item
Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board, In the Matter of (timeline item) - September 26, 2017
25 de Sep de 2017
Para su Difusión
FTC Seeks Presentations from Students to Coincide with PrivacyCon 2018
To encourage the next generation of privacy and data security researchers to explore economic questions in privacy and data security, the 鶹ý Trade Commission today issued a call for presentations...
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Office Supply Telemarketers Will Pay $7 Million to Settle FTC Charges
An office supplier and its owner will pay $7 million to settle 鶹ý Trade Commission charges that they tricked child care centers, schools, and police and fire departments into paying for products...
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FTC Launches Website Dedicated to New Military Task Force
The 鶹ý Trade Commission launched a web page highlighting the work of the agency’s new Military Task Force, which is aimed at identifying the needs of military consumers and developing initiatives...
Cmr McSweeny panelist at Roosevelt Institute's “Antitrust in Telecoms and Tech”
FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny will be a panel speaker for the Roosevelt Institute on, “Antitrust in Telecoms and Tech.” George Washington University, 800 21st Street NW, Room 309, Washington DC...
Case Timeline Item
Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board, In the Matter of (timeline item) - September 25, 2017
21 de Sep de 2017
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Mobile App Settles FTC Allegations That it Failed to Deliver Promised Cash Rewards for Meeting Exercise and Diet Goals
The operators of a mobile app that promised cash incentives to get consumers to commit to fitness and nutrition goals have agreed to settle 鶹ý Trade Commission allegations that they falsely...
Cmr McSweeny a panelist at the Cyber Risk Thursday: Internet of Bodies event
FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny will be a panelist at the Cyber Risk Thursday: Internet of Bodies event sponsored by The Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council offices, 1030 15th Street, NW...
Case Timeline Item
Sanford Health/Sanford Bismarck/Mid Dakota Clinic, In the Matter of (timeline item) - September 21, 2017
Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance
(469.11 KB)
20 de Sep de 2017
Para su Difusión
FTC Helps Consumers Understand Affiliate Marketing in Online Advertising
A “free” trial offer may be tempting, but it could be a scam out to get your money. The 鶹ý Trade Commission wants consumers to be aware of affiliate marketing in online advertising. Affiliate...
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Court Finds Defendants Lied to Consumers When Selling Legal Services for Mortgage Relief
A federal court has found that Jeremy Foti and Charles Marshall, acting through Brookstone Law and Advantis Law, “made numerous false and/or misleading material statements to consumers” when selling...
Twitter chat: Ask FTC Office Hours session with FAQs on influencers
FTC will host an Ask FTC Office Hours session (Twitter chat) with FAQs on influencers. Follow the discussion using #AskFTC and #Influencers101, 3:30 p.m. EDT
Displaying 9041 - 9060 of 37761