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SNIA S.p.A, In the Matter of

Final order settles charges that Sorin Biomedica S.p.A.'s acquisition of COBE Cardiovascular, Inc. would eliminate competition in the United states market for research, development, manufacture and sale of heart-lung machines. The order permits the acquisition and requires the divestiture of COBE's heart-lung machine business to Baxter Healthcare Corporation

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FTC Matter/File Number
Docket Number

Medtronic, Inc.

Medtronic agreed to divest Avecor Cardiovascular, Inc.'s non-occlusive arterial pump assets to settle antitrust concerns that the acquisition would lessen competition for the research, development, manufacture and sale of the pumps in the United States. The order requires Medtronic to provide assistance to the buyer of the Avecor Pump assets to enable the buyer to obtain FDA approval to manufacture and market the Avecor pumps an reservoirs.

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FTC Matter/File Number
Docket Number

Medtronic, Inc., In the Matter of

A final consent order settles allegations stemming from Medtronic's proposed acquisition of Physio-Control International Corporation's automatic external defibrillator business. According to the complaint, Medtronic, through its controlling interest in SurVivaLink Corporation, a direct competitor of Physio-Control, would control both companies as a result of the acquisition and thereby increase the likelihood of coordinated interaction which could result in increased prices and reduce innovation in the market. The consent order requires Medtronic to become a passive investor in SurVivaLink and reduce many of its present and future business contacts with the firm.

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Docket Number

Mediq Inc.orporated

Mediq abandoned its proposed acquisition of Universal Hospital Services after the Commission filed a complaint and motion for a preliminary injunction to block the merger of the nation's two largest firms engaged in the rental to hospitals of movable medical equipment, such as respiratory, infusion and monitoring devices. The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, alleged that the merger would create a monopoly for movable medical equipment rental in many major metropolitan areas across the nation.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number