The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Cease and Desist Letter to Telecommunications Firm LLC
2208005 Informal Interpretation
2208008 Informal Interpretation
2208004 Informal Interpretation
Student Advocates Team, LLC, et al.
In September 2019, the FTC announced a complaint against the operators of two student loan debt relief schemes, and a financing company that assisted them, with bilking millions of dollars from consumers. The FTC alleged Manhattan Beach Ventures and Equitable Acceptance Corporation and Student Advocates Team, and the financing company that assisted them illegally charged upfront fees that the companies led consumers to believe went towards their student loans, and falsely promised that their services would permanently lower or even eliminate their loan payments or balances. On August 18, 2022, the FTC it was sending more than $822,000 back to defrauded consumers.