FTC Headquarters
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Event Description
These conferences were intended to serve several purposes: (1) To allow Commission staff and interested parties the opportunity to discuss openly issues raised in the ANPR and in the comments to the ANPR; (2) to offer the general public an opportunity to make statements on the record concerning the issues raised in the ANPR; and (3) to assist Commission staff in drafting a proposed amended rule. Accordingly, the first day of each public workshop conference consisted of a roundtable discussion centered on a specific topic or topics, as noted below. In addition to discussing and analyzing the issues, the participants were asked to offer concrete suggestions on revising the Rule in those specific areas. Participation by the general public the first day was limited to a discussion of the topics raised that day. The second day of each conference was reserved for the general public to share their comments and concerns about any of the issues raised in the ANPR.
Transcript - Files
File728trade.pdf (231.22 KB)File821bus.pdf (353.73 KB)File918ufony.pdf (391.12 KB)File1020bust.pdf (33.8 KB)File1106ufo.pdf (348.69 KB)File1120bus.pdf (397.66 KB)File729trade.pdf (53.66 KB)File822bus.pdf (127.1 KB)File919ufony.pdf (188.77 KB)File1021bust.pdf (7.23 KB)File1107ufoc.pdf (69.1 KB)File1121bus.pdf (80.97 KB)