WHO: | FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz will join U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen U.S. Representative Bobby Rush U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy and Mr. G. Don Gading, of Bloomington, Indiana, a retiree who uses a drug that is only available in branded form due to a pay-for-delay settlement agreement that has kept a generic version off the market. Due to the high price of the branded drug, which he is taking under doctor’s orders, he recently began cutting the dose he takes in half to make his prescriptions last longer. |
WHAT: | Press conference to announce an FTC staff analysis showing that pay-for-delay deals between brand and generic drug companies are costing American consumers billions a year, and to encourage inclusion of the House-passed pay-for-delay provision in the final version of the health care reform bill. |
WHEN: | 12:30 P.M. Wednesday, January 13, 2010 |
WHERE: | Rayburn House Office Building Room B-318 |
PRESS CONTACT: | Office of Public Affairs 202-326-2180 |