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Top Ten Report Categories

Graph of consumer reports in California by topic in 2017. The topic with the most reports was debt collection with 24 percent, followed by identity theft with 20 percent, and imposter scams with 11 percent.


Fraud & Other Reports/Losses

State Rank
(Reports per 100K Population)
Total Fraud & Other Reports225,296
Total Fraud Losses$89.9M
Median Fraud Loss$500

Fraud & Other Reports By MSA

Download Metropolitan Statistical Area data [CSV, 2 KB]

Map of California Metropolitan Statistical Areas showing number of reports per 100K population, ranging from a low of 192 to a high of 623. See attached CSV file for report data by MSA.


Top Identity Theft Types

Graph of consumer reports of identity theft in California by type in 2017. The type with the most reports was credit card fraud with 43 percent of reports, employment- or tax-related fraud with 20 percent, bank fraud with 13 percent, phone or utilities fraud with 13 percent, and loan or lease fraud with 8 percent.

Identity Theft Reports

State Rank
(Reports per 100K Population)
Total Identity Theft Reports55,418

Percentages are based on the total number of relevant 2017 reports from California consumers, as indicated in the chart title. Consumers can report multiple types of identity theft.