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The FTC’s mission is to protect American consumers from illegal business practices. The agency hears from these consumers on a regular basis. They post blog comments, send thank you notes, and call our toll free numbers to give feedback and ask questions. We use their feedback to help improve our process, and we appreciate the kind words from people who have received refunds. Because raw numbers do not tell the complete story, we have included a sampling of consumer quotes to highlight how FTC refund programs have had a genuine effect on the lives of real people:1

“When I saw the check for $492.54 … with a note indicating, “…The enclosed check is your share of the money that the FTC was able to collect...” I was both surprised and delighted. The money could not have come at a more opportune time. I recently got laid off, so it really means a lot right now. Thanks again for everything.” (February 12, 2017)

“I got my check today 1/17/17 on my birthday, very nice thing!!! … Wow, the FTC really is on top of its game. Bravo!” (January 17, 2017)

“Thank you so very much for your prosecution of One Technologies and sending a portion of the settlement. The funds were sorely needed and much appreciated.” (December 19, 2016)

“It is refreshing to know that the law works to help people when they have been deceived. Again, thank you for your well received efforts.” (October 23, 2016)

“Please accept my thanks for all that you and your coworkers are doing. You must all enjoy bringing down the thieves and deceivers that you catch. I thought I had lost my fights with two of them. They are clever, but you outdid them and I was compensated. No wonder the thieves hate regulators, especially of your caliber.” (May 10, 2017)

“Thank you so much for helping people that get scammed. My belief in people has taken quite a hit lately. This helps.” (October 1, 2016)

“Thank you FTC & agencies for getting our money back that was stolen from us...” (October 3, 2016)

“Very best regards, many thanks, and God Bless the FTC, which does such a great job in helping us otherwise defenseless and oft beleaguered consumers.” (February 22, 2017)

“Thanks so much for protecting us! It’s good to know that sometimes the government is doing all they can to protect us from companies that just want our money.” (January 7, 2016)

“Thank you for your hard work and diligence! I appreciate it as I am surviving on a small disability check and supporting my young grandchild, too. Blessings to all who worked for justice for us!!!” (October 5, 2016)

1Minor typos were corrected for this report.