%PDF-1.2 % 10 0 obj << /Length 11 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (1) Tj -85.2 633.6 TD /F1 12 Tf (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) Tj -4.8 -14.16 TD (FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION) Tj -140.88 -28.32 TD ( ) Tj ET 72 664.08 224.64 0.72 re f BT 288 651.84 TD (\)) Tj -216 -14.16 TD (In the Matter of) Tj 216 0 TD (\)) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (\)) Tj -216 -14.16 TD (JUNO ONLINE SERVICES, INC.,) Tj 216 0 TD (\)) Tj 72 0 TD (DOCKET NO. ) Tj -288 -14.16 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD (a corporation.) Tj 180 0 TD (\)) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (\)) Tj 36 0 TD ( ) Tj -252 -14.16 TD ( ) Tj ET 72 564.96 224.64 0.72 re f BT 296.64 566.88 TD (\)) Tj -27.84 -42.48 TD (COMPLAINT) Tj ET 268.8 522.48 74.4 0.72 re f BT 108 496.32 TD /F0 12 Tf (The 鶹ý Trade Commission, having reason to believe that Juno Online Services, Inc., a) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (corporation \() Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (respondent) Tj -1.44 Tc (\224) Tj 0 Tc (\), has violated the provisions of the 鶹ý Trade Commission Act,) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (and it appearing to the Commission that this proceeding is in the public interest, alleges:) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (1.) Tj 36 0 TD (Respondent Juno Online Services, Inc. is a Delaware corporation with its principal office) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (or place of business at 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (2.) Tj 36 0 TD (Respondent has developed, advertised, offered for sale, sold and distributed to the public) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (free electronic mail and Internet access services, including Juno Basic electronic mail service and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Juno Free Web service, as well as fee-based electronic mail and Internet access products and) Tj T* (services, including Juno Gold electronic mail service and Juno Premium Web service. Respondent) Tj T* (underwrites the cost of its free and reduced fee products and services by directing third-party) Tj T* (advertisements and promotions to its subscribers. Respondent has offered for sale, sold and) Tj T* (distributed such products and services through its Internet Web site ) Tj 324.24 0 TD 0 0 1 rg (www.juno.com,) Tj ET 396.24 310.32 76.56 0.72 re f BT 472.8 312.24 TD 0 0 0 rg ( a toll-free) Tj -400.8 -14.16 TD (telephone number and CD-ROM promotional disks distributed to consumers.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (3.) Tj 36 0 TD (The acts and practices of respondent alleged in this complaint have been in or affecting) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (commerce, as ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (commerce) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (is defined in Section 4 of the 鶹ý Trade Commission Act.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (4.) Tj 36 0 TD (Respondent has disseminated or has caused to be disseminated advertisements and) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (promotional materials for its electronic mail and Internet access services, including Juno Basic) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (electronic mail service, Juno Gold electronic mail service, Juno Premium Web service and Juno) Tj T* (Free Web service; and also has disseminated or caused to be disseminated advertisements and) Tj T* (promotional materials for rebate programs conditioned on subscription to its fee-based Internet) Tj T* (access services, which were offered in connection with the promotion and sale of various third) Tj T* (party computer and Internet-related products, including, but not limited to, computers, printers,) Tj T* (MP3 players and software programs. These advertisements and promotional materials, including,) Tj T* (but not limited to, Exhibits A through E, which were disseminated through various means,) Tj ET endstream endobj 11 0 obj 3653 endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 10 0 R >> endobj 13 0 obj << /Length 14 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (2) Tj ET 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 72 252.96 81.12 32.64 re f 153.12 252.96 44.88 32.64 re f 198 252.96 117.12 32.64 re f 72 235.92 243.12 17.04 re f 67.44 146.4 162 32.88 re f 229.2 146.4 85.92 32.88 re f 67.44 129.36 247.68 17.04 re f BT 72 708.72 TD 0 0 0 rg (including the Internet, electronic mail, toll-free telephone numbers, print, television, radio and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (direct mail, contain the following statements and depictions:) Tj 0 -28.32 TD ( ) Tj 56.16 0 TD (Advertising and Promotional Materials for ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Free) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (Internet Trial Offers and) Tj ET 128.16 664.32 355.68 0.72 re f BT 250.8 652.08 TD -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Free) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (Internet Service) Tj ET 250.8 650.16 110.4 0.72 re f BT 72 623.52 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibit A: ) Tj 63.12 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (Full page newspaper advertisement) Tj -63.12 -28.32 TD ( ) Tj 194.64 -21.84 TD /F1 19.92 Tf 0.2242 Tc -0.3634 Tw (100% off) Tj -18.72 -15.6 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ([appears in center of ad]) Tj -175.92 -42.48 TD ([The following statement appears at the bottom of the page in fine print.] ) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Starting now, Juno is offering full Internet access for free. From free Web access to premium) Tj T* (dial-up and broadband services, ) Tj 153.6 0 TD /F2 12 Tf (everybody) Tj -4.08 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s getting it.) Tj 107.04 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (\(emphasis in original\).) Tj -88.56 -28.32 TD ([company name and logo]) Tj 25.2 -14.16 TD (www.juno.com) Tj ET 269.28 442.56 73.44 0.72 re f BT 72 415.92 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibits B\(1\) through B\(5\):) Tj 141.84 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( Banner ad for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Web service with click-) Tj -141.84 -14.16 TD (through display screens. This banner ad was disseminated throughout the World Wide Web and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (embedded into the top border of electronic mail messages viewed by subscribers of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj T* (electronic mail services. The banner ad consists of several different panels that automatically) Tj T* (rotate, each of which, when clicked, leads consumers to a series of promotional and registration) Tj T* (screens.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (Exhibit B\(1\):) Tj ET 72 314.88 62.64 0.72 re f BT 134.64 316.8 TD ( Initial banner ad panel) Tj -56.64 -56.16 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 19.92 Tf 0.1128 Tc (FREE) Tj 80.88 9.12 TD /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0576 Tc 0.0768 Tw ( AND) Tj 45.12 -9.12 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 19.92 Tf 0 Tc -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 25.2 0 TD 1 1 1 rg 0.0132 Tc 0 Tw (EASY) Tj 53.04 0 TD /F0 19.92 Tf 0.1056 Tc -0.2448 Tw ( !!) Tj -204.24 -15.12 TD /F1 7.92 Tf 0.0355 Tc -0.1747 Tw (CLICK HERE! CLICK HERE! CLICK HERE! CLICK HERE! ) Tj 242.88 -3.84 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( [hyperlink to Exhibit B\(3\)] ) Tj -248.88 -17.04 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Exhibit B\(2\)) Tj ET 72 208.56 59.28 0.72 re f BT 131.28 210.48 TD (: Next banner ad panel) Tj -57.84 -47.04 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0066 Tc 0.0258 Tw (START USING THE ) Tj 0 -12 TD 0.0227 Tc -0.0035 Tw (INTERNET - COMPLETELY) Tj 162 2.88 TD /F1 19.92 Tf -0.0224 Tc 0 Tw (FREE!!) Tj -162 -17.76 TD /F1 7.92 Tf 0.0365 Tc (CLICK) Tj 26.16 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0192 Tw ( ) Tj 2.64 0 TD /F1 7.92 Tf 0.0354 Tc -0.1746 Tw (HERE! CLICK HERE! CLICK HERE! CLICK HERE!) Tj 218.64 -1.44 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( [hyperlink to Exhibit B\(3\)]) Tj ET endstream endobj 14 0 obj 3680 endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 15 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 13 0 R >> endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 19 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (3) Tj ET 72 633.12 0.96 56.16 re f 72 688.32 67.44 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 139.44 633.12 94.56 56.16 re f 0 0 0 rg 139.44 688.32 94.56 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 234 633.12 144 56.16 re f 0 0 0 rg 234 688.32 144 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 378 633.12 90 56.16 re f 0 0 0 rg 378 688.32 90 0.96 re f 468 688.32 72 0.96 re f 539.04 633.12 0.96 56.16 re f 72 597.84 0.96 35.28 re f 539.04 597.84 0.96 35.28 re f 72 562.56 0.96 35.28 re f 539.04 562.56 0.96 35.28 re f 72 532.56 0.96 30 re f 539.04 532.56 0.96 30 re f 72 480.96 0.96 51.6 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 400.56 480.96 139.44 51.6 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 480.96 0.96 51.6 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 72 453.12 328.56 27.84 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 453.12 0.96 27.84 re f 72 453.12 328.56 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 400.56 453.12 67.44 27.84 re f 0 0 0 rg 400.56 453.12 67.44 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 468 453.12 72 27.84 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 453.12 0.96 27.84 re f 468 453.12 72 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 72 363.36 292.56 33.12 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 363.36 0.96 33.12 re f 72 395.52 292.56 0.96 re f 364.56 395.52 175.44 0.96 re f 539.04 363.36 0.96 33.12 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 364.56 300.48 175.44 62.88 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 300.48 0.96 62.88 re f 72 237.6 0.96 125.76 re f 539.04 237.6 0.96 62.88 re f 72 214.56 0.96 23.04 re f 539.04 214.56 0.96 23.04 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 72 190.32 292.56 24.24 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 190.32 0.96 24.24 re f 539.04 190.32 0.96 24.24 re f 72 159.84 0.96 30.48 re f 72 159.84 292.56 0.96 re f 364.56 159.84 87.6 0.96 re f 539.04 159.84 0.96 30.48 re f 452.16 159.84 87.84 0.96 re f BT 72 708.72 TD (Exhibit B\(3) Tj ET 72 706.8 55.2 0.72 re f BT 127.2 708.72 TD (\): Banner ad click-through screen displayed by clicking on Exhibits B\(1\) or B\(2\)) Tj -49.2 -40.08 TD /F1 15.12 Tf -0.0912 Tw ( ) Tj 15.36 0 TD 1 1 1 rg ( ) Tj 52.08 1.2 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.0192 Tw ( 150) Tj 0 -16.56 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tw ( ) Tj 15.6 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.023 Tc (HOURS) Tj 78.96 5.04 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 25.92 Tf 0 Tc -0.2592 Tw ( ) Tj 19.44 0 TD 1 1 1 rg 0.1728 Tc -0.432 Tw ( FREE) Tj 82.08 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -101.52 -17.04 TD ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf ( ) Tj 140.88 28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf ( ) Tj 6.24 0 TD ( ) Tj 12.48 0 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0144 Tc (JUNO) Tj 37.92 0 TD 0 Tc -0.0192 Tw ( ) Tj 3.6 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD 0 0 0 rg ( ) Tj 6.24 0 TD 1 1 1 rg ( ) Tj -69.6 -16.56 TD ( ) Tj 9.36 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0224 Tc -0.0416 Tw ( WEB ) Tj 50.64 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -60 -14.64 TD ( ) Tj -306 -28.8 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 18 Tf 2.16 Tc (\342) Tj 62.88 6.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0624 Tc (It) Tj -3.9072 Tc (\222) Tj -0.017 Tc 0.0266 Tw (s easy, convenient, and you ALREADY) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0148 Tc 0.0244 Tw (have everything you need.) Tj -62.88 -28.8 TD /F3 18 Tf 2.16 Tc 0 Tw (\343) Tj 62.88 6.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0134 Tc (There) Tj -3.9072 Tc (\222) Tj 0.0087 Tc 0.0009 Tw (s NO RISK! Cancel and owe nothing during ) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0256 Tc 0.0352 Tw (your FREE trial if you) Tj -3.9072 Tc 0 Tw (\222) Tj 0.0044 Tc 0.0052 Tw (re not happy.) Tj -62.88 -28.8 TD /F3 18 Tf 2.16 Tc 0 Tw (\344) Tj 62.88 6.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0073 Tc 0.0023 Tw (Juno is the company you trust.) Tj -62.88 -30.96 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( Sign up today and save!) Tj 222.72 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( ) Tj -222.72 -14.16 TD ( ) Tj 202.8 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0308 Tc 0.0404 Tw ( [link to Exhibit B\(4\)]) Tj 95.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj -298.08 -14.4 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 3.0528 Tc 0 Tw (\377) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 317.76 22.8 TD ( ) Tj 21.84 0 TD /F1 18 Tf (YES!) Tj -21.84 -15.36 TD /F1 12 Tf ( I) Tj -2.64 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (m Interested!) Tj -243.84 -36 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 9.12 Tf -0.0041 Tc 0.0329 Tw (Click \223More Information\224 for details.) Tj 243.84 11.76 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 6.24 0 TD 1 1 1 rg /F0 9.12 Tf 0.0288 Tw ( ) Tj 2.4 0 TD /F1 9.12 Tf -0.1632 Tc 0.192 Tw (No ) Tj -8.64 -11.76 TD -0.024 Tc 0.0528 Tw ( Thanks) Tj 67.68 11.76 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 6.24 0 TD 1 1 1 rg /F0 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 1.92 0 TD /F1 9.12 Tf -0.0096 Tc 0 Tw (More) Tj -8.16 -11.76 TD 0.0035 Tc (Information) Tj -402 -30.24 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc (Exhibit B\(4\)) Tj ET 72 425.76 59.28 0.72 re f BT 131.28 427.68 TD (: Banner ad click-through screen displayed by clicking on the ) Tj -0.28 Tc 0.28 Tw (\223Yes! I) Tj -2.88 Tc 0 Tw (\222) Tj 0 Tc (m Interested) Tj -1.44 Tc (\224) Tj -59.28 -14.16 TD 0 Tc (link in Exhibit B\(3\)) Tj 6 -30.48 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.0192 Tw ( ) Tj 10.8 0 TD 1 1 1 rg 0.0185 Tc -0.0377 Tw (Just Complete This Simple Form) Tj -10.8 -16.56 TD 0.0035 Tc -0.0227 Tw ( For 150 FREE Hours of Juno Web!) Tj 292.32 16.56 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 46.8 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0288 Tc (It) Tj -3.2352 Tc (\222) Tj 0.1248 Tc -0.144 Tw (s FREE!) Tj -46.8 -16.56 TD -0.0784 Tc 0.0592 Tw ( Sign Up Today!) Tj -292.32 -28.08 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0835 Tc 0.0931 Tw (1. Fill Out Your Credit Card) Tj 139.68 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1531 Tc 0.1627 Tw (Number and Expiration) Tj -142.56 -13.44 TD -0.1267 Tc 0 Tw (Date:) Tj 0 -13.92 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj T* /F0 12 Tf ( ) Tj 49.92 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -128.64 -28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (2. ) Tj 12.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1389 Tc 0.1485 Tw ( Confirm Your Billing Information:) Tj -12.24 -28.32 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 51.84 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 226.32 111.6 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (THE ) Tj -18.48 -14.16 TD (JUNO 100%) Tj -13.68 -14.16 TD (SATISFACTION ) Tj 6.72 -14.16 TD (GUARANTEE ) Tj -42.24 -23.52 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 9.12 Tf -0.0179 Tc 0.0467 Tw (If you are not completely convinced) Tj 0 -10.8 TD 0.0447 Tc -0.0159 Tw (during your FREE trial that Juno Web is the) Tj T* 0.0421 Tc -0.0133 Tw (best way to experience the World Wide) Tj T* 0.0109 Tc 0.0179 Tw (Web, you can cancel and owe nothing.) Tj T* 0.0048 Tc 0 Tw (That) Tj -1.9872 Tc (\222) Tj 0.0304 Tc -0.0016 Tw (s a guarantee.) Tj -292.32 -22.56 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 184.08 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0308 Tc 0.0404 Tw ([link to Exhibit B\(5\)]) Tj 108.24 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F3 12 Tf 3.12 Tc (\377) Tj 11.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 25.92 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0359 Tc 0.0551 Tw (*Terms and Conditions) Tj -332.64 -23.04 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (3. ) Tj 12.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0599 Tc 0.0695 Tw ( Click Here To Sign Up Now!) Tj 280.08 0 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 37.44 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0133 Tc 0.0325 Tw ( System Requirements) Tj -329.76 -21.12 TD /F0 9.12 Tf -0.0109 Tc 0.0397 Tw (I authorize you to charge me at a rate of $19.95 per month following my) Tj 0 -10.8 TD 0.0552 Tc -0.0264 Tw (FREE 150 hours in my first month as a Juno Web subscriber.*) Tj 292.32 7.92 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F1 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 1.92 0 TD /F1 9.12 Tf -0.0588 Tc 0.0876 Tw (No Thanks) Tj 82.8 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 12.48 0 TD /F1 9.12 Tf -0.0048 Tc (Back) Tj -398.64 -16.8 TD /F0 4.08 Tf 0 Tc -0.1008 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -26.4 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (\(Clicking on ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Click Here to Sign Up Now!) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (registers consumers for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Internet service.\) ) Tj ET endstream endobj 19 0 obj 8945 endobj 17 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 15 0 R /F3 20 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 18 0 R >> endobj 25 0 obj << /Length 26 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (4) Tj -230.88 633.84 TD (Exhibit B\(5\)) Tj ET 72 706.8 59.28 0.72 re f BT 131.28 708.72 TD (: Pop-up window viewed only if the consumer clicks on the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Terms and Conditions) Tj -1.44 Tc (\224) Tj -59.28 -14.16 TD 0 Tc (link in Exhibit B\(4\) prior to registering for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Internet service ) Tj 36 -28.32 TD (Juno Web is a personal Internet service. Juno Web is intended for the personal use) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (of individual Juno members \(and members of their immediate households\), and not) Tj T* (for corporate or commercial use, or for use by organizations or other groups of) Tj T* (users. Juno Web service is not available outside of the United States. Connections) Tj T* (exceeding 10 hours in length are prohibited, as are simultaneous connections by) Tj T* (two or more computers through a single Juno account. Local telephone charges) Tj T* (may apply. See Juno) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s service agreement for additional terms and conditions.) Tj -36 -28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibits C\(1\) and C\(2\)) Tj 116.88 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (: Promotional CD-ROM package containing installation software for) Tj -116.88 -14.16 TD (respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Free Internet access service. The promotional CD-ROM was sent unsolicited or at) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (the request of consumers who called the phone number 1-800-TRY-JUNO or visited respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj T* (Internet Web site ) Tj 85.2 0 TD (www.juno.com.) Tj -85.2 -28.32 TD (Exhibit C\(1\)) Tj ET 72 480 59.28 0.72 re f BT 131.28 481.92 TD (: Front cover of promotional CD-ROM package) Tj 102.48 -56.88 TD /F1 12 Tf (NO STRINGS ATTACHED) Tj 32.4 -31.2 TD /F1 30 Tf 0.12 Tc (FREE) Tj -18.48 -18 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (INTERNET ACCESS!) Tj -169.68 -34.32 TD ( YES! COMPLETELY ) Tj 0 -40.08 TD ( ) Tj 168.48 0 TD /F1 30 Tf 0.072 Tc -0.432 Tw ( FREE!) Tj 218.4 18.72 TD /F1 10.08 Tf 0.064 Tc -0.0448 Tw (GET ) Tj -35.28 -12 TD 0.024 Tc -0.0048 Tw (ONLINE TODAY . . .) Tj 10.08 -12 TD 0.0394 Tc -0.0202 Tw (COMPLETELY ) Tj 22.32 -12 TD -0.0077 Tc 0 Tw (FREE!) Tj -213.6 -16.56 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (NO HIDDEN COSTS!) Tj -176.4 -42.24 TD /F0 12 Tf ([company name and logo]) Tj 186.24 0 TD ([Consumer address]) Tj ET endstream endobj 26 0 obj 2503 endobj 24 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 25 0 R >> endobj 28 0 obj << /Length 29 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (5) Tj -230.88 633.84 TD (Exhibit C\(2\)) Tj ET 72 706.8 59.28 0.72 re f BT 131.28 708.72 TD (: Back cover of promotional CD-ROM package, which exposes the front side of a) Tj -59.28 -14.16 TD (CD-ROM through clear packaging) Tj 185.52 -28.32 TD ([top of the package]) Tj -78.96 -28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf (Start Exploring The Internet - Completely FREE!) Tj -96.24 -42.24 TD /F0 12 Tf ([exposed front side of the promotional CD-ROM, which appears in the center of the package]) Tj 161.76 -28.32 TD ([company name and logo]) Tj 26.88 -42.72 TD /F1 12 Tf (YOUR FREE) Tj -21.12 -14.16 TD (INTERNET ACCESS) Tj 12.48 -14.16 TD (STARTS HERE!) Tj -190.32 -56.4 TD /F0 12 Tf ([The following statement appears along the outer rim of CD-ROM in approximately ) Tj 403.2 0 TD /F0 5.04 Tf 0.04 Tc -0.1504 Tw (five point) Tj 19.2 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( type.]) Tj -422.4 -28.32 TD -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc ([copyright and trademark information.] Local telephone charges may apply. Users of Juno must) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (agree to the terms of Juno) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Service Agreement, which is displayed during account creation.) Tj -1.44 Tc (\224) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc (Exhibits D\(1\) and D\(2\)) Tj 116.88 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (: Two of the screens displayed during installation of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj -116.88 -14.16 TD (Premium Internet access software contained on a promotional CD-ROM. After consumers have) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (registered for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Internet service and have provided credit card and other billing) Tj T* (information, the display screens below guide them in selecting telephone access numbers to) Tj T* (connect to the Internet. Screens displayed earlier in the installation process require consumers to) Tj T* (identify the telephone number from which the their computers are calling and to supply) Tj 0 -14.4 TD (respondent with other basic information that is necessary to set up an Internet access connection.) Tj 461.52 0 TD /F1 12 Tf ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 29 0 obj 2158 endobj 27 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 28 0 R >> endobj 31 0 obj << /Length 32 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (6) Tj ET 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 72 540.72 468 114.48 re f 72 518.64 234 22.08 re f 306 518.64 234 22.08 re f 72 461.04 72 57.6 re f 0 0 0 rg 144 461.04 0.96 57.6 re f 144 517.68 319.44 0.96 re f 462.48 461.04 0.96 57.6 re f 144 461.04 319.44 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 463.44 461.04 76.56 57.6 re f 72 438.96 72 22.08 re f 144 438.96 319.44 22.08 re f 463.44 438.96 76.56 22.08 re f 72 416.88 72 22.08 re f 144 416.88 162 22.08 re f 306 416.88 157.44 22.08 re f 463.44 416.88 76.56 22.08 re f BT 72 708.72 TD 0 0 0 rg (Exhibit D\(1\)) Tj ET 72 706.8 60 0.72 re f BT 132 708.72 TD (: Software installation display screen containing a subset of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s available) Tj -60 -14.16 TD (access numbers, which is based on information previously provided by the consumer, such as the) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (telephone number from which his or her computer is calling.) Tj 0 -10.08 TD /F0 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 6 -31.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0683 Tc 0.0779 Tw (Access Numbers: Web) Tj 0 -26.16 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0338 Tc 0.0434 Tw (The box below lists access numbers for connecting to the Web. Please select all of the access numbers) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0941 Tc 0.1037 Tw (that are local to you to use when you want to connect to the World Wide Web. The more numbers you) Tj T* -0.0868 Tc 0.0964 Tw (select, the easier it will be to connect to the Web through Juno.) Tj 0 -26.4 TD -0.028 Tc 0.0376 Tw (The star symbol indicates a recommended Web number \(click ) Tj -0.2477 Tc 0 Tw (\223Help) Tj -1.3824 Tc 1.392 Tw (\224 ) Tj -0.1131 Tc 0.1227 Tw (for more details on recommended) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0043 Tc 0 Tw (numbers.\)) Tj 92.88 -22.32 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0701 Tc 0.0797 Tw (Web Access Numbers: Web) Tj 141.12 0 TD -0.1376 Tc 0.1472 Tw ( Modem Support) Tj -162 -21.84 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0363 Tc -0.0267 Tw (xxx-xxx-xxxx \(town\) ) Tj 128.4 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.288 Tc 0 Tw (j) Tj 9.12 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.2208 Tc -0.2112 Tw ( xxxxx) Tj -137.52 -9.84 TD /F0 7.92 Tf 0 Tc -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0372 Tc 0.0468 Tw ([Subset of access numbers. Respondent places a gold star \( ) Tj 262.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.288 Tc 0 Tw (j) Tj 9.12 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0883 Tc 0.0979 Tw ( \) next) Tj -271.92 -13.2 TD -0.0807 Tc 0.0903 Tw (to those access numbers it recommends that the consumer use.]) Tj 0 -22.08 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.8928 Tc 0 Tw (\221) Tj 8.4 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0105 Tc -0.0009 Tw ( Show all numbers available nationwide) Tj -80.4 -22.08 TD -0.024 Tc 0 Tw (Help) Tj 72 0 TD 0.032 Tc (Cancel) Tj 285.12 0 TD -0.0504 Tc (Back) Tj -363.12 -30.96 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc (Exhibit D\(2\)) Tj ET 72 389.52 60 0.72 re f BT 132 391.44 TD (: Pop-Up scroll-down window viewed only if the consumer clicks on ) Tj -0.39 Tc 0.39 Tw (\223Help\224 in) Tj -60 -14.16 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Exhibit D\(1\) prior to selecting which access number\(s\) to use when connecting to the Internet.) Tj 0 -10.08 TD /F0 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 36 -12.48 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -78.72 -9.84 TD /F0 7.92 Tf 0 Tc -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.2 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (A phone number with a star next to it is a recommended number. Juno monitors) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (its network of access numbers on a regular basis to provide the best service) Tj T* (possible. We track call volume, performance, and coverage of our access) Tj T* (numbers, and take this information into account when making recommendations. ) Tj 0 -14.4 TD /F5 12 Tf (A star doesn) Tj -2.64 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (t necessarily indicate that a number is local for you, however.) Tj 369.6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( If) Tj -369.6 -14.16 TD (you) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (re not sure whether a phone number is local, please contact your phone) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (company to determine what charges you) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (d incur for the call.) Tj 0 -10.08 TD /F0 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 7.92 Tf 0 Tc -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj -89.76 -13.92 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (\(emphasis in original\)) Tj ET endstream endobj 32 0 obj 5148 endobj 30 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R /F5 33 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 31 0 R >> endobj 37 0 obj << /Length 38 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (7) Tj ET 72 269.04 0.96 303.12 re f 72 571.2 216 0.96 re f 72 269.04 216 0.96 re f 288 269.04 0.96 303.12 re f 288 571.2 242.88 0.96 re f 529.92 269.04 0.96 303.12 re f 288 269.04 242.88 0.96 re f BT 72 708.48 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibits E\(1\) through E\(3\): ) Tj 147.6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (Web Advertisement) Tj 94.56 0 TD ( for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Free and Premium Internet) Tj -242.16 -14.16 TD (access services with click-through display windows) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (Exhibit E\(1\)) Tj ET 72 664.08 58.8 0.72 re f BT 130.8 666 TD (: Full page advertisement on respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Web site ) Tj 249.84 0 TD 0 0 1 rg (www.juno.com) Tj ET 380.64 664.08 73.44 0.72 re f BT 72 635.28 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 11.04 Tf -0.1078 Tc 0.1174 Tw ([company logo] ) Tj 71.04 0 TD /F1 15.12 Tf -0.0336 Tc 0 Tw (Juno) Tj 31.92 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 5.76 0 TD /F0 12.96 Tf 0.1013 Tc 0 Tw (Everybody) Tj -2.9376 Tc (\222) Tj -0.0445 Tc 0.0349 Tw (s Getting It.) Tj -108.72 -14.16 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 80.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0704 Tc 0.08 Tw (Download your FREE software today!) Tj -80.64 -29.28 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 190.08 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.0192 Tw (YOU CHOOSE) Tj -190.08 -16.56 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 216 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0 Tw (OR) Tj -120.72 -20.64 TD /F1 12 Tf (Juno) Tj -43.92 -14.16 TD (FREE Internet Access) Tj 24.48 -14.16 TD (Click Here ) Tj 61.2 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( ) Tj -60.24 -35.04 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F1 19.92 Tf 0.0317 Tc 0 Tw (FREE!) Tj -8.16 -17.76 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0288 Tc -0.048 Tw (No Charges) Tj 8.4 -16.56 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0864 Tc -0.1056 Tw (No fees.) Tj -80.16 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 12.48 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 1.44 Tc (\216) Tj 9.6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc ( Available nationwide) Tj 36.48 -26.64 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -131.76 -29.28 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 37.44 0 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0 Tw (?) Tj 6.96 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD 0.1536 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.1488 Tc -0.1296 Tw (lick here) Tj ET 130.8 370.56 42.72 0.72 re f BT 173.52 372.48 TD 0.0043 Tc 0.0149 Tw ( to learn more about Juno) Tj -60.72 -12.72 TD 0.0101 Tc 0.0091 Tw ( FREE Internet Access.) Tj 28.08 -39.6 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0608 Tc 0 Tw (YES) Tj 21.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0797 Tc 0.0893 Tw (, I want Juno) Tj -31.92 -13.44 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0336 Tc 0 Tw (FREE) Tj 29.28 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0926 Tc 0.1022 Tw ( Internet Access) Tj -1.68 -12.24 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0576 Tc -0.0384 Tw (Click Here) Tj 238.56 260.16 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (Juno) Tj -51.6 -14.16 TD (Premium Internet Access) Tj 36.96 -14.16 TD (Click Here) Tj -12.96 -34.8 TD /F0 12 Tf (Get ) Tj 20.64 0 TD /F1 19.92 Tf 0.12 Tc (150) Tj 30.24 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (hours) Tj -43.44 -23.28 TD /F1 19.92 Tf 0.0317 Tc (FREE!) Tj -0.24 -11.52 TD /F0 7.92 Tf -0.0147 Tc -0.1245 Tw (in your first month,) Tj -12.24 -9.12 TD -0.0278 Tc -0.1114 Tw (just $9.95/month thereafter) Tj -73.2 -12.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.92 TD ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 1.1328 Tc 0 Tw (\216) Tj 8.64 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 5.76 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Thousands of access numbers across the ) Tj -25.92 -14.16 TD ( U.S. ) Tj 72 -26.64 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -150.72 -13.2 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -16.08 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.0192 Tw ( ? ) Tj 42.96 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.1397 Tc -0.1205 Tw (Click here) Tj ET 336.96 349.2 42 0.72 re f BT 378.96 351.12 TD 0.0048 Tc 0.0144 Tw ( to learn more about) Tj -84.96 -12.72 TD 0.0617 Tc -0.0425 Tw ( Juno Web, our premium Internet ) Tj 0 -12 TD 0.0055 Tc 0.0137 Tw ( access service.) Tj 54.48 -26.4 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0608 Tc 0 Tw (YES) Tj 21.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0277 Tc -0.0181 Tw (, I want my FREE trial) Tj 9.84 -13.44 TD -0.0864 Tc 0.096 Tw (of ) Tj 11.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.155 Tc 0.1646 Tw (Juno Web) Tj -4.08 -12.24 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0576 Tc -0.0384 Tw (Click Here) Tj -315.6 -44.88 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (\(Clicking on ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Click Here) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (in Exhibit E\(1\) triggers the immediate download of either the software) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Free Internet Access service or that for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Internet Access) Tj T* (service.\) ) Tj ET endstream endobj 38 0 obj 5861 endobj 35 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 37 0 R >> endobj 40 0 obj << /Length 41 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (8) Tj ET 117.12 423.36 0.96 254.16 re f 117.12 676.56 319.68 0.96 re f 435.84 423.36 0.96 254.16 re f 117.12 423.36 319.68 0.96 re f 117.12 111.84 0.96 254.88 re f 117.12 365.76 319.68 0.96 re f 435.84 111.84 0.96 254.88 re f 117.12 111.84 319.68 0.96 re f BT 72 708.72 TD (Exhibit E\(2\)) Tj ET 72 706.8 58.8 0.72 re f BT 130.8 708.72 TD (: Pop-up window with scroll-down screen that is displayed by clicking on the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 378 0 TD 0 Tc (Click) Tj ET 508.8 706.8 24.96 0.72 re f BT 72 694.56 TD (here) Tj ET 72 692.64 20.4 0.72 re f BT 92.4 694.56 TD ( to learn more about Juno FREE Internet Access service.) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (link in Exhibit E\(1\).) Tj 113.28 -34.56 TD /F1 12 Tf (Juno FREE Internet Access) Tj 1.68 -28.08 TD /F0 12 Tf ([mock banner advertisement]) Tj -84.48 -32.4 TD /F0 16.08 Tf -0.4656 Tc (It) Tj -3.7248 Tc (\222) Tj -0.0041 Tc -0.0967 Tw (s So Easy ) Tj 80.88 0 TD /F1 16.08 Tf -0.1008 Tc 0 Tw (. . . ) Tj -80.88 -15.12 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc (When you try Juno) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s FREE Internet access service, you) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (ll get:) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F1 12 Tf -2.64 Tc (\225) Tj 36 0 TD 0 Tc (The Juno Guide! ) Tj 93.36 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj -20.64 -26.4 TD ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -190.32 -28.32 TD /F1 12 Tf -2.64 Tc (\225) Tj 36 0 TD 0 Tc (Fast reliable connections at speeds up to 56K) Tj 72.72 -41.52 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -104.64 -30.24 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.048 Tc 0.0288 Tw (Click here to download) Tj -136.56 -31.44 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (Exhibit E\(3\)) Tj ET 72 396 58.8 0.72 re f BT 130.8 397.92 TD (: Pop-up window displayed by clicking on the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 228.96 0 TD 0 Tc (Click here) Tj ET 359.76 396 48.48 0.72 re f BT 408.24 397.92 TD ( to learn more about Juno ) Tj -336.24 -14.16 TD (Web, our premium Internet access service.) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (link in Exhibit E\(1\).) Tj 151.2 -36.48 TD /F1 13.92 Tf 0.0377 Tc -0.0569 Tw (150 Hours FREE!) Tj 15.12 -12.72 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.1194 Tc -0.1002 Tw (in your first month) Tj -115.44 -30.48 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (What do I get with Juno Web that I don) Tj -2.64 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (t get with the free) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (basic service?) Tj 0 -28.32 TD -2.64 Tc (\225) Tj 36 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc (Priority access to thousands of dial-up numbers across) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (the country to help you avoid busy signals) Tj -36 -28.32 TD -2.64 Tc (\225) Tj 36 0 TD 0 Tc (Toll-free, live customer support with no fees of any sort) Tj -36 -28.32 TD -2.64 Tc (\225) Tj 36 0 TD 0 Tc (Fewer advertisements while you) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (re online) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (Plus, you) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (ll enjoy 150 FREE hours during your first month of) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (service - so you can try out Juno Web with no risk at all!) Tj 85.44 -30.48 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.048 Tc 0.0288 Tw (Click here to download) Tj ET endstream endobj 41 0 obj 4003 endobj 39 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 40 0 R >> endobj 43 0 obj << /Length 44 0 R >> stream BT 302.88 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (9) Tj ET endstream endobj 44 0 obj 63 endobj 42 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 43 0 R >> endobj 46 0 obj << /Length 47 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (10) Tj -183.84 633.84 TD (Advertising and Promotional Materials for the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -0.1029 Tc 0.1029 Tw (\224 Rebate Program) Tj ET 116.16 706.8 379.68 0.72 re f BT 72 680.4 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (5.) Tj 36 0 TD (Respondent also has disseminated, or caused to be disseminated, advertisements and) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (promotional materials for its $200 ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (rebate program, including, but not limited to,) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Exhibits F through H. Under this program, purchasers of various jetprinters sold by Lexmark) Tj T* (International, Inc. received a $200 rebate from Juno conditioned on subscription to Juno) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s fee-) Tj T* (based Internet access service for one year at $19.95 a month. Respondent participated in the) Tj T* (preparation and review of all advertisements and promotional materials disseminated by Lexmark) Tj T* (for the Print the Web rebate program and had final approval for any rebate coupons and any CD-) Tj T* (ROM promotional disks containing installation software, both of which were distributed as part of) Tj T* (the offer. Respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Internet access installation software was either on a CD-ROM disk) Tj T* (provided at the time a Lexmark jetprinter was purchased, or downloaded from respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Web) Tj T* (site at ) Tj 31.44 0 TD 0 0 1 rg (http://dl.www.juno.com/get/lexmark.) Tj ET 103.44 536.88 177.36 0.72 re f BT 280.8 538.8 TD 0 0 0 rg ( Advertisements and promotional materials for this) Tj -208.8 -14.16 TD (program contain the following statements and depictions: ) Tj 0 -27.6 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibit F:) Tj 52.32 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 8.64 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Juno/Lexmark ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (rebate coupon distributed at point of sale) Tj -60.96 -28.32 TD ([Inside of rebate coupon]) Tj 67.68 -31.44 TD /F1 16.08 Tf -0.0339 Tc -0.0669 Tw (How to get up to a $200 \223Print the Web\224 Rebate) Tj -55.2 -28.32 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (To Qualify for the Print the Web Rebate Offer, purchase one of the following Lexmark) Tj -12.48 -14.16 TD (Color JetPrinters: Z11, 3200, Z31, Z51, and sign up for one year of Juno Web) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (@$19.95/month. ) Tj 6 -19.92 TD /F0 12 Tf ([outlines 3 steps consumer must complete) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (to receive rebate]) Tj 0 -26.64 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -39.6 TD ( ) Tj 0 -26.4 TD ( ) Tj 31.68 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 105.6 106.8 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc ([the following text appears on the right side of) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (coupon, in approximately ) Tj 124.32 0 TD /F0 6.96 Tf -0.013 Tc -0.1166 Tw (seven point) Tj 31.2 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( type]) Tj -155.52 -28.32 TD (Terms and conditions: Offer subject to credit) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (approval and your acceptance of Juno) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Service) Tj T* (Agreement. Requires minimum commitment of 1) Tj T* (year \(12 months\) to Juno Web at a monthly rate) Tj T* (of $19.95. Cancellation of Juno Web service) Tj T* (prior to the end of the commitment terms will) Tj T* (result in your credit card being charged the full) Tj T* (amount of the rebate plus a $50 cancellation fee. ) Tj T* (You must be 18 years or older. Offer valid only) Tj T* (to new Juno Web subscribers. A major credit) Tj T* (card is required. Local telephone charges may) Tj T* (apply. Availability of access to Juno may be) Tj T* (limited, especially during peak times. ) Tj 0 -13.44 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.2 TD ( ) Tj 69.12 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj ET endstream endobj 47 0 obj 4728 endobj 45 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 46 0 R >> endobj 49 0 obj << /Length 50 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (11) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 72 579.6 49.44 46.8 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 579.6 0.96 46.8 re f 72 625.44 49.44 0.96 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 121.44 579.6 310.56 46.8 re f 0 0 0 rg 121.44 625.44 310.56 0.96 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 432 579.6 108 46.8 re f 0 0 0 rg 432 625.44 108 0.96 re f 539.04 579.6 0.96 46.8 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 72 534.48 49.44 45.12 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 534.48 0.96 45.12 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 432 534.48 108 45.12 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 534.48 0.96 45.12 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 72 467.04 22.56 67.44 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 467.04 0.96 67.44 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 432 467.04 108 67.44 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 467.04 0.96 67.44 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 72 409.92 22.56 57.12 re f 0 0 0 rg 72 409.92 0.96 57.12 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 432 409.92 108 57.12 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 409.92 0.96 57.12 re f 72 387.84 0.96 22.08 re f 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529 rg 432 387.84 108 22.08 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 387.84 0.96 22.08 re f 72 365.52 0.96 22.32 re f 72 365.52 54 0.96 re f 126 365.52 247.44 0.96 re f 373.44 365.52 58.56 0.96 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 432 365.52 108 22.32 re f 0 0 0 rg 539.04 365.52 0.96 22.32 re f 432 365.52 108 0.96 re f BT 72 708.48 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibit G\(1\) through G\(3\):) Tj 139.68 0 TD /F2 12 Tf ( ) Tj 3.12 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( Three of the screens displayed during installation of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj -142.8 -14.16 TD (Internet access software from the CD-ROM that was distributed as part of the Juno/Lexmark) Tj 0 -14.4 TD -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (rebate program) Tj 152.4 0 TD /F1 12 Tf (.) Tj -152.4 -10.32 TD /F1 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.96 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Exhibit G\(1\)) Tj ET 72 654.72 60 0.72 re f BT 132 656.64 TD (:) Tj 3.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Initial Registration Screen) Tj -69.12 -28.56 TD /F1 7.92 Tf -0.1392 Tw ( ) Tj 55.44 -23.04 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 16.08 Tf -0.0215 Tc -0.0793 Tw ( I want Juno Web and my) Tj 0 -18.96 TD -0.084 Tc -0.0168 Tw ( \223Print the Web\224 Rebate!) Tj 0 -22.08 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0313 Tc -0.0121 Tw (YES, I want to sign up for 1 year of Juno Web, which entitles me to my) Tj 0 -12.24 TD 0.1498 Tc -0.1306 Tw (mail-in rebate.*) Tj 64.56 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0192 Tw ( ) Tj 5.28 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0186 Tc 0 Tw (I authorize Juno to charge the credit card shown below) Tj -69.84 -12 TD 0.0176 Tc 0.0016 Tw (at the low rate of $19.95 per month for my Juno Web service.) Tj 0 -35.04 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0527 Tc 0.0623 Tw ( [request for credit card number and expiration date]) Tj 0 -27.36 TD 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 92.16 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -170.88 -6.48 TD /F1 4.08 Tf 0 Tc -0.1008 Tw ( ) Tj -27.12 -19.44 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0127 Tc 0.0065 Tw (* To receive your rebate, follow the instructions on the ) Tj -1.3248 Tc 0 Tw (\223) Tj 0.0838 Tc -0.0646 Tw (Print the Web) Tj -0.2208 Tc 0.24 Tw (\224 Rebate) Tj 0 -12 TD 0.071 Tc -0.0518 Tw (Coupon. You will need an original Rebate Code Certificate which will be sent) Tj T* 0.0024 Tc 0.0168 Tw (to you by postal mail after you activate your Juno Web subscription. See) Tj 0 -12.24 TD 0.0883 Tc -0.0691 Tw (additional terms and conditions on the certificate and by clicking below) Tj 289.92 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf 0.0192 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj -289.92 -21.84 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 23.04 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0379 Tc 0.0571 Tw (Terms and Conditions) Tj 152.64 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 14.4 0 TD /F1 10.08 Tf -0.0133 Tc 0.0325 Tw (System Requirements) Tj 93.12 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj -305.52 -22.08 TD ( ) Tj 14.4 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.012 Tc 0 Tw (Help) Tj 39.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 8.64 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.144 Tc 0 Tw (Cancel) Tj 238.8 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0408 Tc 0 Tw (Back) Tj 46.8 -0.24 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 25.92 0 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0648 Tc 0 Tw (Next) Tj 21.6 0 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj -413.28 -44.16 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (\(Clicking on the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Terms and Conditions) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (link in Exhibit G\(1\) displays a general statement, similar) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (to the statement cited in Exhibit B\(5\), about respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Internet service. Clicking on) Tj T* (the ) Tj -0.0578 Tc 0.0578 Tw (\223Next\224 link in Exhibit G\(1\) registers consumers for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc 0 Tw (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Internet service and) Tj T* (leads them to a series of additional screens, including Exhibits G\(2\) and G\(3\) cited below.\)) Tj 0 -9.36 TD /F6 7.92 Tf 0.048 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.68 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Exhibit G\(2\)) Tj ET 72 259.44 60 0.72 re f BT 132 261.36 TD (:) Tj 3.36 0 TD /F7 11.04 Tf 0.096 Tw ( ) Tj 6.72 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Screen with scroll-down window displaying initial paragraphs of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj -72.96 -14.4 TD (Service Agreement, which is non-printable. Consumers must use the scroll bar at the right of the) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (window to move through the text of the agreement) Tj ET endstream endobj 50 0 obj 6022 endobj 48 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font 55 0 R /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 49 0 R >> endobj 55 0 obj << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 15 0 R /F4 22 0 R /F6 51 0 R /F7 53 0 R >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Length 61 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (12) Tj ET q 127.44 92.16 357.12 274.8 re h W n q 127.44 92.16 357.12 274.8 re W n q 357.36 0 0 -274.8 127.44 366.96 cm /im1 Do endstream endobj 61 0 obj 184 endobj 58 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /im1 /Filter /LZWDecode /Width 479 /Height 371 /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 57 0 R ] /Length 59 0 R >> stream `P8$ BaPd6DbQ8V-FcQv=HdR9$M'JeRd]/LfS9m7NgS}?PhT:%GRiTe6OTjU:VWVkUv_XlV;%g;UB ֋ A[BC C4{drY0|Bb-8`CbֹFnp"طHL 8٭K;JIhP4882s*,; -,#A+. *`PL/+P!%kT 6`4#B.`M;5'@`L +pq$eT/-@: 3.K3Y`p4"G0&ЈvQ-pl ݭP{ EЈp.i>ԶB`$O,, A]\!r0T དdZ YJ؀Or09+[ l +XN {pDB!LcrIvޠ`w;EkUZ> a8'$۰!u!jU"OhFG=iF2U!8L" E(h #r\9Ez |C`F'h}(;F㌄7Ep}ڄ K0(@1&M{X$ww|% ø}A.ov6QvwֆZ+y@m!'h@$<*@ۖEEӖSKAhݵ)u1a') hq{0HkN("+PL͛< |}, m߫4gӾf yQU:L^=3dr(kSI ]¨hA!fTô$# ~K_BJI=״XEźAG_i9ef@ S]" #oGg: Fb$! mJkTɦ`2YC(J4Xa+ɱ0j 4-is 29-S1\& 9FP5`N(a(8Aȧ={C"P Ti ugH !| Ţ/H8`į!> N5 U8&HEA*p!8Bdg<擲!Nj SIՈ-4t /3J^?ҁ(f.#ްU]p`r]`P(9.6Bec/faþ휡:BW.X=1>˜` P,0 0 }ZXظr0 |6w4TEP9jTN]fU,($D W!3,Ϸ12Zy΁Q"I]Zz:X*^l9y l61!Xb\H AAQ7fKZ@mM U.QVpo*C̅AN+Z5|t 1fY# `4&l.e͙FiY6fݛqY:g\yY>gZBh] FZ/FhZOJi]-ƙZoNi=DWTƗ[ MP OI-9qmq0>ZDCH2rq-S2QYpj CҲvY644jցXZ[x_)IPBJ@AQ%Dcg\J(8dM']rBRr{m*ĪOV*$@pO \Ϛ+H)^ju Hbp3 4h)q< $+P5]zd*@Ш۰@Y7A)w}X706EI#_ -bJitof1-)_Uf$TSiH5!j^*`sî+] bQ(rhGgVy-]4d$6+HW'ZJ KQ7AOMx[LE5ȓښݎ^` !@ Tچ2.|2e&BfZTRd*o2<ԇ䐗$B,udJDJ9@V6kx@E-dfNC~"p3E򒄰-ZDZM zRV*/\[mtuɌ'$mhk L.ιT|@FL0C @&vm m $0NC! 5$ Ln͆m^DPd}G-|Ěll3$KNp/8pZ0FjH0G(evNxz:y cf݀5 IO,^U ."k8f1$ r D0xJ.&n$K1(OXl~N PCokl*{dL/o*`Unݍzs)$@"8EkWK6z3M>J2DjADit|eJBtQ I"M ii$EdDGR"Zl)#pe&ehKv`#2^)Nu>\BP^$:k$I jFd B -Q`0GgH4_LeEZh&Aen$\pGI0c4[PFE JŨv`5"I J~ c+>s6[D#exBjT|dh'9fkEдfʞz-thwd$o\Tww1Cs>(lkIp`&q֍0"dyE6ĕ|A"3) jUG"[+AHkxaDPh4`6fgA&c~r%yh0F&ީC?$  v&@%d- >^8IPfyeGJB\D Fu%J&sTtr/@4*vI[,j,B 2P"yHE/f(mkyfoE=AE`'GԽh[$4sw3S4Oi (&ZG8k$Q>&^s7P25b'4"_'Jf04&|xs.lhgpb-vhk1WFJ 0QhB6h(F \l%'&0Qj(ShU&[5&[f. 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Tj ET endstream endobj 70 0 obj 400 endobj 56 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 36 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /XObject << /im1 58 0 R /im2 64 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents [ 60 0 R 66 0 R 69 0 R ] >> endobj 73 0 obj << /Length 74 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (13) Tj ET 67.44 482.88 0.96 196.32 re f 67.44 678.24 94.56 0.96 re f 161.76 482.88 0.96 196.32 re f 161.76 678.24 148.8 0.96 re f 310.32 482.88 0.96 196.32 re f 310.32 678.24 229.68 0.96 re f 539.04 482.88 0.96 196.32 re f BT 72 708.48 TD /F1 12 Tf (Exhibit H) Tj 50.4 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (:) Tj 3.36 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 5.76 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Full page advertisement on respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Web site ) Tj 240.24 0 TD (www.juno.com) Tj ET 371.76 706.56 73.44 0.72 re f BT 73.44 662.64 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.1248 Tc 0.1344 Tw (Get Juno) Tj ET 73.44 660.72 38.88 0.72 re f BT 73.44 641.76 TD 0.0271 Tc -0.0175 Tw (What is Juno?) Tj ET 73.44 639.84 61.92 0.72 re f BT 73.44 620.64 TD 0.0134 Tc -0.0038 Tw (What is Juno) Tj ET 73.44 618.72 57.12 0.72 re f BT 73.44 610.32 TD 0.0624 Tc 0 Tw (Web?) Tj ET 73.44 608.4 25.2 0.72 re f BT 73.44 589.2 TD -0.0446 Tc 0.0542 Tw (Questions \(FAQ\)) Tj ET 73.44 587.28 75.12 0.72 re f BT 73.44 568.32 TD -0.0192 Tc 0 Tw (System) Tj ET 73.44 566.4 31.68 0.72 re f BT 73.44 557.76 TD -0.0632 Tc (Requirements) Tj ET 73.44 555.84 59.52 0.72 re f BT 73.44 536.64 TD -0.1332 Tc (Download) Tj ET 73.44 534.72 44.64 0.72 re f BT 73.44 526.32 TD -0.044 Tc (Instructions) Tj ET 73.44 524.4 51.36 0.72 re f BT 73.44 505.2 TD -0.0416 Tc 0.0512 Tw (Bundling Juno) Tj ET 73.44 503.28 62.88 0.72 re f BT 168 662.4 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0149 Tc 0.0245 Tw (SIGN UP FOR) Tj 0 -13.2 TD 0.0082 Tc 0.0014 Tw (JUNO WEB) Tj T* 0.0259 Tc -0.0163 Tw (AND GET UP TO) Tj 0 -21.36 TD /F1 18 Tf 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 13.68 0 TD /F1 19.92 Tf 0.12 Tc 0 Tw ($200) Tj -13.68 -15.12 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0312 Tc -0.0216 Tw (WITH YOUR) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0635 Tc 0.0731 Tw (\223PRINT THE WEB\224) Tj 0 -17.76 TD /F1 16.08 Tf 0.0521 Tc 0 Tw (REBATE!) Tj 0 -27.36 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -78.72 -13.2 TD /F4 9.12 Tf 0.9984 Tc (\216) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0531 Tc -0.0435 Tw ( Fast, reliable access) Tj -7.2 -13.2 TD -0.0854 Tc 0 Tw (nationwide) Tj 148.32 147.84 TD 0.0084 Tc (DOWNLOAD) Tj ET 316.32 660.72 64.32 0.72 re f BT 316.32 649.44 TD 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 17.28 0 TD -0.0168 Tc 0 Tw (NOW!) Tj ET 333.6 647.52 29.52 0.72 re f BT 260.16 439.92 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 8.16 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf -0.8155 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj -266.88 -59.28 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc (\(None of the hyperlinks in Exhibit H provides further details about the rebate offer. Clicking on) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.14 Tc 0.14 Tw (\223Download Now) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (in Exhibit H triggers the immediate download of the software for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj T* (Premium Internet) Tj 83.28 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0416 Tc 0.0512 Tw ( service.\)) Tj 58.08 -28.32 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.21 Tc 0.21 Tw ( \223Dry Test) Tj -0.06 Tc 0.06 Tw (\224 Marketing Advertisements) Tj ET 213.36 322.08 185.28 0.72 re f BT 72 295.68 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (6.) Tj 36 0 TD (In the fall of 1999, on numerous occasions, respondent disseminated advertisements and) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (promotional materials, including, but not limited to, Exhibit I, to subscribers of its electronic mail) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (services, offering its Premium Internet service at the price of 3 cents per minute, as well as similar) Tj T* (advertisements and promotional materials offering the service at various other prices, including) Tj T* (the price of 5 cents per minute and another price of $4.95 a month. These advertisements and) Tj T* (promotional materials contain the following statements and depictions:) Tj ET endstream endobj 74 0 obj 4462 endobj 71 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 73 0 R >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Length 77 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (14) Tj ET 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 103.44 598.56 144 78.24 re f 247.2 598.56 27.36 78.24 re f 274.32 598.56 229.44 78.24 re f 103.44 510.48 144 88.08 re f 247.2 510.48 27.36 88.08 re f 274.32 510.48 229.44 88.08 re f 103.44 488.16 144 22.32 re f 0 0 0 rg 247.2 488.16 0.96 22.32 re f 247.2 509.52 256.56 0.96 re f 502.8 488.16 0.96 22.32 re f 247.2 488.16 256.56 0.96 re f 0.502 0.502 0.502 rg 103.44 466.08 400.56 22.08 re f BT 72 708.48 TD 0 0 0 rg /F1 12 Tf (Exhibit I) Tj 45.6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf (:) Tj 3.36 0 TD /F6 13.92 Tf 0.048 Tw ( ) Tj 8.4 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tw (Banner ad embedded in electronic mail) Tj 32.4 -28.8 TD /F1 12 Tf (NEW from Juno!) Tj 89.04 0 TD /F0 12 Tf ( Get on the World Wide Web for only . . .) Tj -141.36 -61.44 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 74.88 0 TD /F0 49.92 Tf -0.4992 Tw ( ) Tj 12.48 0 TD /F0 54.96 Tf -0.6096 Tw ( ) Tj 13.68 0 TD 1 1 1 rg /F1 54.96 Tf 0.12 Tc 0 Tw (3) Tj 42.96 24 TD /F1 30 Tf (\242) Tj 26.88 1.92 TD /F1 13.92 Tf -0.1029 Tc 0.0837 Tw (a minute) Tj 0 -13.68 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0738 Tc 0.0834 Tw (Now is the best time to try Juno Web.) Tj 0 -13.2 TD -0.0608 Tc 0.0704 Tw (At only 3\242 per minute, you) Tj -2.5824 Tc 0 Tw (\222) Tj -0.1122 Tc 0.1218 Tw (re in control of how) Tj T* -0.0842 Tc 0.0938 Tw (much - or how little - you spend.) Tj 0 -30.24 TD /F4 19.92 Tf 2.0544 Tc 0 Tw (\354) Tj 15.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0888 Tc 0.0984 Tw ( No monthly fee) Tj -15.6 -23.52 TD /F4 19.92 Tf 2.0544 Tc 0 Tw (\355) Tj 15.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0531 Tc 0.0627 Tw ( No minimum spending requirement) Tj -15.6 -23.52 TD /F4 19.92 Tf 2.0544 Tc 0 Tw (\356) Tj 15.6 0 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0742 Tc 0.0838 Tw ( A one-time setup fee of just $25) Tj -186.48 -32.88 TD -0.0499 Tc 0 Tw (Close) Tj ET 109.44 492 24.48 0.72 re f BT 133.92 493.92 TD 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 11.52 0 TD -0.071 Tc 0.0806 Tw (Tell me more) Tj ET 145.44 492 57.6 0.72 re f BT 253.44 493.68 TD 0 0 0 rg 0 Tc 0.0096 Tw ( ) Tj 43.2 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0668 Tc 0.0764 Tw (Click Here to Get Started!) Tj -224.64 -52.08 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (\(Clicking on ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Click Here to Get Started!) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (leads consumers to a screen requiring consumers to) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (provide credit card and other personal identifying information, including name, address and) Tj T* (telephone number, in order to register for the advertised Internet service.\)) Tj 0 -27.36 TD ( ) Tj 94.08 0 TD (Deceptive Practices Related to ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Free) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (Internet Trial Offers) Tj ET 166.08 384 280.08 0.72 re f BT 72 357.6 TD (7.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibits B and) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (E, respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that consumers who participate in its) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (free trial offers for its Premium Web service can cancel at any time before a free trial period) Tj T* (expires and incur no monthly charges or fees.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (8.) Tj 36 0 TD (In truth and in fact, in numerous instances, despite reasonable efforts to do so, consumers) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (were unable to cancel the service before the free trial period expired and incurred monthly charges) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (or fees. Respondent did not permit consumers to cancel its Internet access service through any) Tj T* (means other than calling the telephone number 1-888-811-5866. Respondent did not disclose this) Tj T* (phone number to consumers, however, until they attempted to cancel the service through other) Tj T* (means, such as respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s numerous other published toll-free phone numbers, electronic mail or) Tj T* (regular mail. Consumers who contacted respondent to cancel their Internet access service) Tj T* (through one of respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s other toll-free phone numbers were told that no one at that number) Tj T* (was authorized to cancel the service and that they must call 1-888-811-5866. Consumers who) Tj T* (requested cancellation of their Internet access service through electronic mail received an) Tj T* (electronic mail response four to eight days later stating that respondent did not accept) Tj T* (cancellations received via electronic mail for security reasons and that consumers must call 1-888-) Tj T* (811-5866 to cancel their Internet access service. Furthermore, in numerous instances, when) Tj T* (consumers called the 1-888-811-5866 cancellation number, they were unable to reach a customer) Tj ET endstream endobj 77 0 obj 4769 endobj 75 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F4 22 0 R /F6 51 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 76 0 R >> endobj 79 0 obj << /Length 80 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (15) Tj -228 633.84 TD (representative for periods of 20 minutes or longer. As a result, many consumers discontinued) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (their efforts to cancel their Internet service before the free trial period expired and incurred) Tj T* (monthly charges or fees. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 7 was, and is, false) Tj T* (or misleading.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (9.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibits B and) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (E, respondent has represented that a reasonable means of cancellation is available to consumers) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (who participate in its free trial offers for Premium Web service and, thus, participating consumers) Tj T* (can cancel before incurring any monthly charges or fees. Respondent has failed to disclose or has) Tj T* (failed to disclose adequately the procedures consumers must follow to cancel respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj T* (Premium Web service. This fact would be material to consumers in deciding whether to) Tj T* (participate in respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free trial offers for Premium Web service and in their use of the) Tj T* (service. The failure to adequately disclose these facts, in light of the representation made, was,) Tj T* (and is, a deceptive practice.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (10.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibit B,) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (respondent has represented that consumers who participate in its free trial offer for its Premium) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Web service have 150 hours to use its service without incurring any monthly charges or fees. ) Tj T* (Respondent has failed to disclose or has failed to disclose adequately that consumers must use the) Tj T* (150 hours of free service within one month to avoid incurring charges of $19.95 a month. This) Tj T* (fact would be material to consumers in participating in respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free trial offer for its) Tj T* (Premium Web service. The failure to adequately disclose this fact, in light of the representation) Tj T* (made, was, and is, a deceptive practice.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (11.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibit E,) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that consumers who participate in its free) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (trial offers for its Premium Web service have one month to use its service for up to 150 hours) Tj T* (without incurring any monthly charges or fees.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (12.) Tj 36 0 TD (In truth and in fact, in numerous instances, consumers had substantially less than one) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (month to use respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Web service for up to 150 hours without incurring any) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (monthly charges or fees. Consumers who wanted to participate in the offer were required to) Tj T* (order from respondent a CD-ROM containing installation software for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium) Tj T* (Web service. Consumers who requested the CD-ROM through respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s toll-free telephone) Tj T* (number \(1-800-TRY-JUNO\), electronic mail or other means were unable to register and use the) Tj T* (service until they first installed the software from the CD-ROM onto their computers. The free) Tj T* (trial period, however, began to run from the time consumers made their initial request for the) Tj T* (installation CD-ROM, and not from the time they installed the software and registered to use the) Tj T* (service. In numerous instances, consumers did not receive the installation CD-ROM until 10 to) Tj T* (14 days after they requested it, substantially shortening their one month free trial period. ) Tj T* (Unaware of the shortened trial period, these consumers continued to use respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Internet) Tj T* (service for up to one month from the time they installed the CD-ROM. As a result, many) Tj T* (consumers incurred monthly charges or fees without having a full 30 days to use respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj ET endstream endobj 80 0 obj 4260 endobj 78 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 79 0 R >> endobj 82 0 obj << /Length 83 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (16) Tj -228 633.84 TD (Internet service for free. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 11 was, and is, false) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (or misleading. ) Tj 96.48 -28.32 TD (Deceptive Practices Related to Undisclosed Toll Charges ) Tj ET 168.48 664.32 275.28 0.72 re f BT 72 637.92 TD (13.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibit C,) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that consumers using respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Internet service will incur no costs. ) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (14.) Tj 36 0 TD (In truth and fact, consumers do incur costs in using respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free Internet service. In) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (numerous instances, consumers lack a local access telephone number to connect to respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (free Internet service and must pay long distance telephone charges. Therefore, the representation) Tj T* (set forth in Paragraph 13 was, and is, false or misleading.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (15.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 4, including, but not limited to, Exhibits A) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (through E, respondent has represented:) Tj 36 -28.32 TD (A.) Tj 36 0 TD (that the total cost to consumers of using respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s fee-based Internet services is) Tj 0 -14.16 TD ($19.95 or $9.95 a month;) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (B.) Tj 36 0 TD (that the total cost to consumers of using respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free Internet services and of) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (participating in respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s free trial period offers is zero; and) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (C.) Tj 36 0 TD (in certain advertisements, that its Premium Web service has thousands of access) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (numbers available nationwide. ) Tj -72 -28.32 TD (Respondent has failed to disclose or failed to disclose adequately that many consumers lack local) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (access telephone numbers and must pay long distance charges to access respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s services,) Tj T* (and that the telephone numbers respondent provides to consumers and/or recommends that) Tj T* (consumers use to access its services, including telephone numbers marked with a gold star, are in) Tj T* (some cases long distance numbers. These facts would be material to consumers who subscribe to) Tj T* (respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s services. The failure to disclose these facts, in light of the representations made,) Tj T* (was, and is, a deceptive practice.) Tj 72 -28.32 TD (Deceptive Practices Related to the ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -0.1029 Tc 0.1029 Tw (\224 Rebate Program) Tj ET 144 225.36 324.24 0.72 re f BT 72 198.96 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (16.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 5, including, but not limited to, Exhibits F) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (through H, respondent has represented that consumers who purchase certain jetprinters sold by) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Lexmark International, Inc. and register for respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Web Internet service for one) Tj T* (year will receive a rebate of up to $200. In these advertisements, respondent has failed to disclose) Tj T* (or has failed to disclose adequately:) Tj ET endstream endobj 83 0 obj 3443 endobj 81 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 82 0 R >> endobj 85 0 obj << /Length 86 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (17) Tj -192 633.84 TD (A.) Tj 36 0 TD (that consumers who cancel their Premium Web Internet service within one year) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (must repay the entire rebate received and pay a $50 cancellation fee;) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (B.) Tj 36 0 TD (that respondent does not provide local access telephone numbers in all areas, and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (therefore that many consumers must pay long distance telephone charges to access) Tj T* (respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s Premium Web Internet service; and) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (C.) Tj 36 0 TD (that respondent automatically renews all subscriptions for its Premium Web) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Service after the one year period has ended, unless consumers contact respondent) Tj T* (and affirmatively cancel respondent) Tj -2.88 Tc (\222) Tj 0 Tc (s service. ) Tj -72 -14.16 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (These facts would be material to consumers in their purchase or use of the products or services. ) Tj T* (The failure to disclose these facts, in light of the representation made, was, and is, a deceptive) Tj T* (practice.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (17.) Tj 36 0 TD (By preparing, reviewing and having final approval of the advertising and promotional) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (materials disseminated by Lexmark in connection with the Juno/Lexmark ) Tj -1.68 Tc (\223) Tj 0 Tc (Print the Web) Tj -1.44 Tc 1.44 Tw (\224 ) Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw (rebate) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (offer, referred to in Paragraph 5, including, but not limited to, Exhibits F and G, and by providing) Tj T* (Lexmark with such advertising and promotional materials, respondent has furnished the means) Tj T* (and instrumentalities to Lexmark to engage in deceptive acts and practices in violation of Section) Tj T* (5\(a\) of the 鶹ý Trade Commission Act. ) Tj 106.8 -28.32 TD (Deceptive Practices Related to ) Tj -0.21 Tc 0.21 Tw (\223Dry Test) Tj -0.144 Tc 0.144 Tw (\224 Marketing) Tj ET 178.8 395.28 254.64 0.72 re f BT 72 368.88 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (18.) Tj 36 0 TD (Through the means described in Paragraph 6, including, but not limited to, Exhibit I,) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that at the time it disseminated such) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (advertisements:) Tj 36 -28.32 TD (A.) Tj 36 0 TD (it was offering Internet access service at the price of 3 or 5 cents per minute, and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (at the price of $4.95 a month; and) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (B.) Tj 36 0 TD (it was requesting consumer credit card and other personally identifying information) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (to register consumers for its Internet access service at such advertised prices. ) Tj -72 -28.32 TD (19.) Tj 36 0 TD (In truth and in fact, at the time respondent disseminated such advertisements:) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (A.) Tj 36 0 TD (it did not provide any consumer with Internet access at the advertised price of 3 or) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (5 cents per minute or at the price of $4.95 a month; and ) Tj -36 -28.32 TD (B.) Tj 36 0 TD (it did not request consumer credit card and other personally identifying information) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (to register consumers for its Internet access service at such advertised prices. ) Tj -36 -14.16 TD ( ) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (Respondent informed consumers who registered for these services that it only disseminated such) Tj ET endstream endobj 86 0 obj 3338 endobj 84 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 85 0 R >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Length 89 0 R >> stream BT 300 74.88 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (18) Tj -228 633.84 TD (advertisements and promotions to test market demand for its Internet access service at the prices) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (advertised. In fact, its Internet access service was never offered to consumers for the prices) Tj T* (advertised. Therefore, the representations set forth in Paragraph 18 were, and are, false or) Tj T* (misleading.) Tj 0 -28.32 TD (20.) Tj 36 0 TD (The acts and practices of respondent as alleged in this complaint constitute unfair or) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce in violation of Section 5\(a\) of the 鶹ý) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Trade Commission Act.) Tj 36 -28.32 TD (THEREFORE, the 鶹ý Trade Commission this day of , , has) Tj -36 -14.16 TD (issued this complaint against respondent.) Tj 36 -28.32 TD (By the Commission.) Tj 216 -42.48 TD (Donald S. Clark) Tj 0 -14.16 TD (Secretary) Tj -252 -14.16 TD (SEAL:) Tj ET endstream endobj 89 0 obj 999 endobj 87 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 72 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 88 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F0 /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 260 320 400 500 500 840 760 160 340 340 500 560 260 340 260 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 280 260 560 560 560 420 900 700 660 660 720 620 540 720 720 340 380 700 600 880 720 720 560 720 660 560 620 720 720 920 720 720 600 340 280 340 460 500 320 440 480 440 500 440 300 500 480 240 240 500 240 740 480 520 500 500 340 380 300 500 480 720 480 460 440 480 200 480 540 780 560 780 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 780 560 780 780 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 780 560 560 260 320 500 500 500 500 200 500 320 760 260 480 560 340 760 500 380 540 300 280 300 580 440 260 300 300 320 480 760 760 760 400 700 700 700 700 700 700 900 660 620 620 620 620 340 340 340 340 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 560 720 720 720 720 720 720 560 520 440 440 440 440 440 440 660 440 440 440 440 440 240 240 240 240 500 480 520 520 520 520 520 540 500 500 500 500 500 460 500 460 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /FontDescriptor 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /TimesNewRoman /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -250 -216 1104 1040 ] /MissingWidth 340 /StemV 73 /StemH 73 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 891 /XHeight 446 /Ascent 891 /Descent -216 /Leading 149 /MaxWidth 920 /AvgWidth 401 >> endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F1 /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman,Bold /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 260 340 560 500 500 980 840 280 340 340 500 560 260 340 260 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 340 340 560 560 560 500 940 720 680 720 720 660 600 780 780 380 500 800 660 960 720 780 600 780 720 560 660 720 720 1000 720 720 640 340 280 340 580 500 340 500 560 440 560 440 320 500 560 280 340 540 260 820 560 500 560 560 420 380 340 560 500 720 480 500 420 400 220 400 520 780 560 780 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 780 560 780 780 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 560 780 560 560 260 320 500 500 500 500 220 500 360 740 300 500 560 340 740 500 400 540 300 300 340 580 540 240 340 300 340 500 760 760 760 500 720 720 720 720 720 720 1000 720 660 660 660 660 380 380 380 380 720 720 780 780 780 780 780 560 780 720 720 720 720 720 620 560 500 500 500 500 500 500 720 440 440 440 440 440 280 280 280 280 500 560 500 500 500 500 500 540 500 560 560 560 560 500 560 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /FontDescriptor 9 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /TimesNewRoman,Bold /Flags 16418 /FontBBox [ -250 -216 1200 1040 ] /MissingWidth 340 /StemV 136 /StemH 136 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 891 /XHeight 446 /Ascent 891 /Descent -216 /Leading 149 /MaxWidth 1000 /AvgWidth 427 >> endobj 15 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F2 /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman,Italic /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 260 320 420 520 500 840 720 220 320 340 500 680 260 340 260 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 340 340 680 680 680 500 900 620 620 660 720 620 600 720 720 340 440 660 560 840 660 720 600 720 620 500 560 720 600 820 620 540 560 400 280 400 420 500 320 500 500 440 500 440 300 500 500 280 280 440 280 720 500 500 500 500 380 380 280 500 440 620 440 440 380 400 280 400 540 780 680 780 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 780 680 780 780 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 780 680 680 260 360 500 500 500 500 280 500 300 740 280 500 680 340 760 500 400 540 300 320 300 580 520 260 340 300 320 500 760 760 760 500 620 620 620 620 620 620 880 660 620 620 620 620 340 340 340 340 720 660 720 720 720 720 720 680 720 720 720 720 720 540 620 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 660 440 440 440 440 440 280 280 280 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 540 500 500 500 500 500 440 480 440 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /FontDescriptor 16 0 R >> endobj 16 0 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506 506 746 400 560 906 826 680 800 560 800 840 773 506 800 506 506 866 813 906 853 706 906 826 800 800 800 853 880 506 680 893 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 253 680 506 800 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 253 680 680 800 533 920 773 920 946 706 800 773 800 786 800 680 773 800 613 706 640 800 800 800 800 800 773 800 800 773 800 800 800 813 800 800 800 840 826 800 840 853 840 680 826 933 840 760 733 800 760 800 706 800 786 800 786 773 720 720 946 533 1013 693 720 840 800 800 893 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 ] /FontDescriptor 23 0 R >> endobj 23 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /WPIconicSymbolsA /Flags 4 /FontBBox [ -250 -144 1226 1000 ] /MissingWidth 783 /StemV 132 /StemH 132 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 827 /XHeight 414 /Ascent 827 /Descent -144 /Leading -28 /MaxWidth 1022 /AvgWidth 724 >> endobj 33 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F5 /BaseFont 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