ࡱ> DC-( / 00DTimes New Roman0-v 0( 0 DArialNew Roman0-v 0( 0 " DHelveticaRoman0-v 0( 0 "0DNew YorkRoman0-v 0( 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@``  \3     c $@1uʚ;mNʚ;g4BdBdv 0dtppp@ <4!d!d` 0L.<4dddd` 0L. <4KdKd 0L___PPT9((? %'ZBroadcast Disclosures and Communication Effectiveness: Required Reading Comprehension Rate[[$>Keith B. Murray, PhD Professor, Graduate School Bryant College,Role of reading comprehension in disclosure &-+c Opportunity for a message recipient to process a disclosure is a necessary (but not sufficient) requirement for effective disclosure. Likelihood to process and comprehend is a function of reading comprehension rate demanded. d ### #'_#Why RCR is important to understand $$"cVReading comprehension rate is especially noteworthy in a broadcast context. In TV broadcast, message exposure, processing and comprehension is  paced by the medium. F9! !h!!*Calculation of reading comprehension rates++#RCR in a broadcast setting is a function of two variables, the Length of the disclosure (measured in number of words) and 2. Amount of time (as a proportion of a minute) the disclosure is presented. It is expressed in terms of words-per-minute. A8" Z" " /?##########?#/#%Reading comprehension rate(s) in U.S.&&#In the U.S. population, RCR is a variable factor. Upper limits to reported reading comprehension rates are in the range of 300 WPM. Lower limit thresholds are in the range of 100 WPM. A good working estimate of average comprehension rate is approximately 150 WPM. 4##R##6####/# +Brinks Home Security Commercial Video here.  Brinks Home Security Audio: For over 135 years Brinks has been protecting people and their valuables around the world without the loss of one single dollar. Disclosure 1 (3%, 5 sec., 84 WPM) Refers to Brinks Incorporated armored car customers. Disclosure 2 (2%, 2 sec., 1860 WPM) Brink s Home Security, Inc. does not warrant against loss to covered premises. Three year monitoring contract required. $23.95 monthly monitoring fee. (In California a two year monitoring contract is required. Total monitoring price $574.80) 1997 Brinks Home Security, Inc., 1828 Valwood Parkway, Carrolton, TX 75005 Florida License #000000 plus 14 more  words . ju!7#p!L$Implications of high RCR disclosures(%$# # Failure of affirmative disclosure to occur within reasonable RCR limits results in theoretical but not actual disclosure. Thus, in a broadcast context this sets up the opportunity to communicate unrealistic (i.e., misleading and (or) deceptive) principal selling messages in a manner that is technically  corrected by disclosure(s) but not practically so. iS# # ## ##### %ERA Reality Commercial video here. $ .ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 1//# VO: (Broker identified as ERA Broker Terri Berkowicz, Chicago, IL): Selling a house is no vacation, but that's just what the walkers got when they sold their house with our ERA office. ERA Sellers Security Plan Disclosure 1 Conditions apply, including a program participation fee, house must meet specific qualifications, and purchase price will be determined solely by ERA. Message size: Upper case lettering, 4% of vertical screen. Duration: 1.9 seconds RCR demanded: [21 words/2 seconds]*60 = 630 WPM f####### '''## #1##### #$##* .ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 2//# VO: (ERA Sellers Security Plan) guaranteed that if we didn't sell their house ERA would buy it. ERA even agreed to take the risk of selling the house at a loss. Disclosure 2 Additionally, a second home must be purchased through a broker designated by ERA. Profit is exclusive of holding and selling expenses. Call your participating ERA broker for details. Disclosure specs: Message size: Upper case lettering, 4% of vertical screen Disclosure duration: 2.85 seconds RCR demanded: [28 words/[2.85 seconds]*60 = 590 WPM V#### '''#### #.##### #(##.ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 3//# VO: When we sold it for more, the Walkers got the profit. The ERA Sellers Security Plan. Just the kind of help you'd expect from a friend. They used the extra money to take a vacation. They even sent me a postcard! Disclosure 3 Each office independently owned and operated. Message size: Upper case lettering, 4% of vertical screen Disclosure duration: 2 seconds RCR demanded: [6 words/2 seconds]*60 = 180 WPM V###### '-''## #.### ## ####  (Universal Studios Commercial video here.  -Universal Studios No Line, No Wait commercial.. Disclosure: Universal Studios No Line. No Wait. Ride access 1-8777-Orlando Anticipated maximum wait 15 minutes. Restrictions apply. Message RCR demanded: 18 words = 540 WPM8 x* gg cccc cccc8ggg cc[Appendix: How to calculate required reading comprehension rates for a broadcast disclosure \\#RCR in a broadcast setting is a function of two variables, the Length of the disclosure (measured in number of words) [A], and Amount of time (as a proportion of a minute) the disclosure is presented [B], where B equals the length of the disclosure time (in seconds) divided by 60. Thus, reading comprehension rate (RCR) is expressed in the following formula: RCR = A B It is expressed in terms of words-per-minute. n@" N"  /?### ####<##R##M#### ##/# ` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> $(    69 P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0<   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Murray, PhD   & . ..2 Professor, Graduate School    . .2 A_Bryant College  .--"Systemwf   -&TNPP &՜.+,0    qOn-screen ShowBryant CollegeAT\ Times New RomanArial Helvetica New YorkDefault Design[Broadcast Disclosures and Communication Effectiveness: Required Reading Comprehension Rate-Role of reading comprehension in disclosure $Why RCR is important to understand +Calculation of reading comprehension rates&Reading comprehension rate(s) in U.S.,Brinks Home Security Commercial Video here.Brinks Home Security%Implications of high RCR disclosures&ERA Reality Commercial video here. /ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 1/ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 2/ERA Sellers Security Plan commercial Segment 3)Universal Studios Commercial video here..Universal Studios No Line, No Wait commercial\Appendix: How to calculate required reading comprehension rates for a broadcast disclosure  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide TitlesA_T)SOffice of Consumer and Business EducationOffice of Consumer and Business Education  !"#$%&'()*,-./012456789:<=>?@ABERoot EntrydO)Current User;SummaryInformation(+PowerPoint Document(ATDocumentSummaryInformation83