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Most job seekers are familiar with the basics:  Wear a clean shirt, extend a firm handshake, and don’t ask about vacations in the first 10 minutes of the interview.  But these days more businesses are digging deeper.  Tulsa-based HireRight Solutions is a background screening company that thousands of employers use to check out current employees and people applying for jobs.  When it comes to Fair Credit Reporting Act compliance, the FTC says HireRight Solutions got it wrong by not using reasonable procedures to ensure the accuracy of the information it was selling. The upshot: a , the second-largest ever in an FTC FCRA case.

The background screening reports that HireRight Solutions sells are “consumer reports” under the FCRA.  How so?  We’re leaving out some of the legalese, but the short answer is that they include information "bearing on a consumer’s credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in establishing the consumer’s eligibility” for credit, insurance, employment, or other purposes authorized under the FCRA. (Yes, that’s the short answer.)

Companies that sell or provide those reports are “consumer reporting agencies” under the statute.  (Just as an aside, the law uses the word “agency,” but these are private companies we’re talking about — not agencies like government agencies.)  Under the FCRA, consumer reporting agencies have a legal obligation to follow reasonable procedures to assure the maximum possible accuracy of the information the reports contain.  That's where the FTC says HireRight Solutions didn’t get it right.

According to the , the company didn’t take reasonable steps to make sure the info in the reports was current and reflected updates, like the expungement of criminal records.  The FTC says that sometimes the reports included multiple entries for the same offense.  What's more, some reports listed convictions for people other than the applicant or employee — even though the person with the criminal record had a different middle name or date of birth.  If a tomato soup stain on a tie can torpedo a job applicant’s chances, imagine the effect of a wrongly reported rap sheet.

But the violations didn’t end there.  The FCRA gives people the right to know about information reported to potential employers and sets up mandatory procedures people can use to challenge information they believe is inaccurate.  According to the complaint, the company failed to live up to the FCRA’s requirements that it turn over files to people who ask for them, didn’t conduct a reasonable investigation when people disputed the accuracy of information, and didn’t give people written notice of the results of investigations.  For example, the FTC alleges that HireRight Solutions had a big backlog because it didn’t hire enough staff to respond to people’s concerns about inaccuracies.  The complaint also charges that the company set up unreasonable hoops people had to jump through to exercise their rights under the FCRA.

In addition, the FCRA has special requirements for consumer reporting agencies when their reports contain public record information that’s used for employment purposes.  If that info is likely to have an adverse effect on a person’s ability to get a job, the law gives companies like HireRight Solutions two choices: 1) notify the person anytime public record information is being reported; or 2) maintain “strict procedures” designed to ensure that reported public record data is complete and up to date.  The complaint charges that HireRight Solutions had a system in place for notifying people, but it was too clunky to be of much practical use.  The FTC also charged that the company didn’t maintain the strict procedures the law requires.  In addition to the $2.6 million penalty, the stipulated order puts provisions in place to change how HireRight Solutions does business going forward.

Interested in a refresher on the dos and don'ts of using reports in the hiring process?  Read Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know, available on the BCP Business Center's Credit Reporting page.  We also have information especially for your HR team.

If you're looking for a job, learn more about your rights under the FCRA by reading Employment Background Checks and Credit Reports and watching a new video from the FTC:

August 10, 2012
How will the job seekers whose careers have been damaged be compensated for HireRight's conduct ? How will the "partners"Taleo, Kenaxa, etc. change due to this FTC decision ? Why is this company allowed to continue operating ? Seems that the companies using HireRight and their partners are not into hiring persons for their skills and abilities. So where is the equal employment opportunity ? Considering these events, the EEOC should step up or be dissolved since they certainly are not actively supporting equal opportunity that benefits the damaged job seekers (nice PowerPoint presentations do not enforce EEO).
August 11, 2012
HireRight, they are owned by Kroll and Altegrity. Kroll's had a whole bunch of problems reported in the press.
August 30, 2012
I just got a formal job offer today from a great co. that uses HireRight! Im a little concerned after all the negative posts I have read all over the internet! Initiated the online background check process today! I will post more as the process moves forword. We will see if the 2.6 million fine has helped the process!!!
December 09, 2012
I was offered employment and then the offer was rescinded based on informatio provided by HireRight. I have been made another offer by an employer and they also use HireRight. My plan is to inform them of my history with HireRight and go from there.
December 08, 2021

In reply to by kodi343

I had a job offer rescinded yesterday based on factually incorrect information provided by the company I currently work for. I was stunned at the company doing the rescinding said. I didn’t do a check before the process started rolling because the process unfolded so quickly. The company responded to a resume I placed several years ago, I thought they had long since forgotten about. The irony is that the company I’m with just this week contracted with HireRight. I’ve been with this company for many years, don’t believe the incorrect information was malicious or something that most companies would frankly give a flip about but this company has no shortage of super qualified people vying for the position, can afford to place stringent selection criteria on applicants. I have connections in the company to assist in correcting the information but I really don’t know how that will go , even if the error is corrected, the opportunity is gone.
CkHireright's …
December 28, 2012
What can you expect from a company who forced it's African American Employees to remove any pictures of President Barack Obama from their work areas. As it relates to background checks do you really expect ill-trained people in Oklahoma, in the Phillipines and India to do accurate background checks. Check Hireright's background - processing a background check based on one's last name, first name and date of birth and expecting accuracy is comical.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
Okay, THAT I take offense to. I was not ill-trained. To this day, I understand the legal system in this country better than 99% of Americans. Why do you assume that being from Oklahoma makes someone stupid or unfit for a position? Because lemme tell ya, you had to be smart, cunning, and able to think straight while doing three other things if you wanted to last a single week at that job. We knew damn well that LNM, FMN, DOB was too little information, but if that was all the customer--the company YOU APPLIED AT--wanted to pay for, then that was not our fault. You need to straighten up. I am sick to death of being called a yokel and a moron because of where I was born--because of where my family was forced to resettle after enduring the Trail of Tears. Every single time you dismiss Oklahoma as nothing but a cesspit of idiots and yokels, you show your bigotry. Grow up. By the way, we were never allowed to keep potentially polarizing materials at our workspaces, including pictures of or materials about political figures. Get your facts right.
class-a..t&x e…
March 06, 2018

In reply to by Ex-Phone Spook

sent for my complete dac report(hireright.i got a few companys (half of what i should)the last compony i drove for was not even on the report..and no drug and alcohol info avail.says it was not reported.but it was reported 1 year prier..i applyed 2 a trucking compony the next day..THEY GOT A FULL REPORT,D&A INFO AND EVEN THE LAST COMPONY I DROVE FOR....(YOU TELL ME GENIUS)
John Smith
January 25, 2013
I was offered a job with the understanding I would have a criminal background check. I have never been arrested - so no problem. Wrong, HireRight only uses your name and date of birth to verify this information (I was told that via my phone call with them). If you are John Smith, be prepared to have a ton of so called convictions. right now, I have personally confirmed that my middle name and SSN are different that what is on file in the county they said I was arrested in. I also paid for a search for my name in the state database that came back without any matches. Now I am waiting for them to do the same thing.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
Actually, the hiring company provides the guidelines they want the investigation company to follow. It can be as little as FNM (full name) and DOB, or it can be as much as a full credit report, fingerprinting, and photo identification. The more criteria searched, though, the more expensive the process is. At least when HireRight was still USIS, the search method used for crims was significantly more in-depth than a database search. (Some companies also request history of civil actions, though it's pretty rare, and usually isolated to company officers.) In short, the reason all that stuff came back is because the company you applied with is a cheapskate.
February 14, 2013
I think it is worse than any of you can imagine. HireRight claims to own the data they collect from you. This is your personal identity and work history. They may share it with their partners. If the company is acquired, your data is part of the sale. Ask yourself if you really understood or wanted them to be custodians of this data - or why it is necessary for them to store it after the background check is complete. This data is valuable, and will eventually be targeted by criminals and hackers. Does HireRight encrypt the database where your data is stored? No, their website does not confirm this. Individuals should have the right to have their identity data deleted from HireRight after the process of verification is completed. Why doesn't the FTC give us remedy for this? Please FTC step in here. It is also wrong of your employer to force you to directly work with this 3rd party company, who's management and custody of your identity you may not trust. By forcing you to enter data into HireRight, your company is washing their hands clean of the custodial risk of that data. Yet, your company will make you sign a confidentiality agreement (contract) where they have recourse directly with you under defined terms. But, they do not grant you this same courtesy with your private identity data. What's the answer here? Do we start demanding our companies sign a confidentiality agreement with our personal data? Should we demand FTC offer protection and remedy here? Thoughts?
March 27, 2014
I share the same idea as you. they still retain my information and remind me about things. why do they have my information when the interview is complete and i am working with this employer for more than 2 years now?!!! did you find a way to remove you from their database? I agree, FTC should give us a way in here to remove our info before we hear it in the news some hacker stole all the info.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
Dude, trust me, there are easier ways to get that information. The reason they kept it, IIRC, was for a new system launched in... '08? '09? Anyway, it was everything they'd ever found, and other companies could pay to search it. Also, people usually look for jobs more than once. I've seen people cleared of felony returns--stuff like murder, or battery and rape one of a minor--by their previous searches. I mean, I'm sure you could speak with an attorney about it, but all the info they have, save credit reports, is from public sources per the Freedom of Information Act. The same act that gives you the right to demand information about yourself gives outside parties the right to access it, too. Basically, information is a commodity, and that's the commodity HireRight deals in, namely public information. Like I said, you can talk to an attorney, but unless you overturn the FOIA, I don't think you'll get very far.
February 19, 2013
HireRight is doing enormous damage to people's lives. To the employers: I do wonder why being unable to pay a medical bill for an emergency room visit means that I will never be able to earn a living again in my life. I'd love to pay the bills, but how? This is a total 'Catch 22' I never dreamed this would happen when I went back to school and earned a degree so I could find work. There isn't a more trustworthy person, but I've lost two job offers because of this.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
I worked for USIS-CSD until not long before the HireRight merger. In three or so years, I picked up a lot of shady information from both sides of the field, and the problem with credit reports specifically has to do with potential employers. There are two kinds of credit reports: a full, and a partial. Partials just show addresses, aliases associated with SSN, etc. We used them to verify information--it's actually a really good way to find unreported crimes. The banking industry especially is big on them due to FDIA regulations. Sounds like you're falling prey to full reports. Frankly, I wish the use of full reports for hiring purposes in any job not requiring special clearance would be made illegal; hell, my ex trashed my credit to get back at me for standing up to him, and I've gone from a carefully tended 700+, to the 400's. However, some white-collar businesses have somehow got it into their fool heads that a high credit score is THE mark of an upstanding citizen. Never mind that I've seen applicants with high credit AND violent felony convictions, but high-and-mighty HR people are too good to listen to an indentured cubicle servant with a stutter and a lisp. Anyway, I've got stories that would make your head fall off. Corporate America. If it doesn't shaft you one way, it'll find another.
Institute For …
March 15, 2013
In my endeavors as a Career Coaching Atlanta, GA, I have seen some cases where the reporting agency, whether Hire Right, or one of the big 3, has so fouled up the report that the client/candidate will likely never be hired by a company until the report is corrected. Its a good idea to be aware of what is contained in these reports, prior to starting your job search. The article is in that respect, very helpful.
Meredith Haberfeld
May 05, 2013
To find a career path that is fulfilling and in balance with your full range of values; from how you want to be spending your work time and the legacy you want to leave, to how much money you want to be making.
Scary at best
August 21, 2013
I believe the most sad yet entertaining thing about this is that companies that continue to use this company are using someone with a "criminal" record (Second Largest Fine from the FTC) to do a criminal background check.
Reading is Fun…
September 19, 2013
It's a civil penalty, not a criminal record in the least. That said, they're still a shady business.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
Apart from credit information, which requires special permissions and a vetting process of the hiring company, all the information retrieved is public record. It is, however, a royal pain in the tuchus to get. Hence, the background search industry, which is a subset of the private security industry. The process should be transparent, but it's been made convoluted by necessary securities, and, well, even back when they were USIS, we kinda worked with a skeleton crew. Up until 2007, it wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty efficient. I guess once merger talks started, everything other than money took a back seat.
November 09, 2013
I was a contractor for a financial firm for 3 years. They performed a CBC check and everything was fine. They were eager to bring me into a full-time position. Their HR department used HireRight which supplied them some inaccurate information. They rescinded on the offer and terminated my contract. I have gone through HireRight and appealed the information. I provided them a certified SBI report I had done last year showing HireRight had the wrong information. I went to the courts and also verified the information was wrong. All I get from HireRight is that it takes them 10 plus days to review the appeal. Fortunate for me I am in a area that actively hiring and I already have had several interviews and looks like I will be able to land another position else where. I feel victimized because I worked hard for 3 years and had all my management on my side for the position.
Ex-Phone Spook
May 10, 2014
Guys, I'm just going to say one last thing, from a former insider's POV: HireRight screwed up. They were understaffed years ago, and I have no doubt they're even worse now. However, they perform searches based on criteria given by the companies who contract them. If you have a problem with only your name and birthdate being used to perform your search, speak with the company with whom you are applying. They are the ones in control. Some even say that if anything comes back at all, even a lack of credit history, you will be turned down. All of us in my office--each of us highly trained and intelligent, and many specializing in one or two industries--spoke up against these issues more than once. In the end, though, we had no control. Everything came down to the company purchasing our services. I hope that, by this point, they've fixed their mistakes and reevaluated their processes. This includes hiring sufficient staff, not only for the sake of hirees, but for HireRight staff's safety and comfort. Because lemme tell ya, we worked ourselves into dust. The pay was lousy and the clients could be nightmares, but we kept coming to work because we genuinely performed a necessary service. Do you really want to know just how many convicted child molesters can apply at an elementary school? Ones who didn't register when they moved into the state? Because I do. The number probably isn't as high as you fear, but even catching one made a bad day worth it. The company and industry may not be perfect, but I'd sure as hell rather have them around than not.
September 24, 2015

In reply to by Ex-Phone Spook

If you kill 100 sheep to get a fox, then you are doing a disservice to the farmer. I am guessing the victimization rate to accurate information is way worse than anyone here suspects. Also a criminal is a problem but a criminal in charge of the hiring of all Canada and the US employees is a problem on the scale 10000x worse. If you break the law you are a criminal. Most of the data being collected is illegal data and being disguised by using a "Do Not Hire" flag. Data comes from all sources and has become a modern day tool for control of everything in daily life from marketing, political target adds, hiring and many other uses. If you ask where the data come from, you will be told it is company confidential and no one will look to see how it was gained. What if hirerite gets a list from prominent political backers to be placed on do not hire. Now it is a tool being sold at a low rate in order to gain control of the financial resources of competitors. A company who has broken federal law and been charged would not do that for profit would they? Of course they would.
February 03, 2015
Why would a School Bus Company (First Student) give all their present employees some who have been employed there for as long as 20 yrs) HireRight ppwk to fill out for background checks including extensive financial inquiries asking for permission to access credit reports with no expiration date. I can understand criminal background chk because we deal with children but why all the other stuff now. Also they want us to mark the ppwk as "New Hire". Any ideas? I have some and none are good.
April 05, 2015
I am currently a contractor that is in the process of being converted to a full time employee. The background check was given to Hireright. That is where my nightmare began. I was convicted of a misdemeanor which is not a disqualification at my company. However, Hireright reported not only this charge, but the initial charge which is a disqualifying charge. It was dismissed completely but they had me guilty which was completely inaccurate. Hireright, before letting me know, submitted the report to my company's HR department and so my start date was pushed back a week. I opened a dispute with Hireright and provided them the final sentencing sheet that included the charge as well as the court certified stamp, the proof of payment for the court certified stamp and the name of the court clerk who helped me with my case. Hireright, without alerting me, closed the dispute and sent the unrevised document to my company telling them that they closed the dispute because they didn't have proof that the initial charge was dismissed. They said they DIDN'T have proof even after I sent them court certified documents from the court (The clerk said that Hireright was an unmitigated disaster as they always get complaints and phone calls about Hireright). So, i opened a second dispute and sent one more document that clearly outlined that the initial charge was dismissed. There was a a line through the "Dismissal" box and to the right, it clearly said that my charge was amended. Somehow, I think Hireright, being Hireright, will still get this wrong. My job start date has been pushed two weeks because of this mess. There is no excuse for such horrible work when it is for something this important. I have called Hireright at least 30 times in the past two weeks and each time, I am put on hold for at least 30mins before I get an answer. I'm starting to think that the customer service people ask for names so that the dispute department can choose whether they want to answer or not. One time, I called and the operator in the Philippines asked me for my name, I gave her "A" and she said "Thanks, David" to which I responded "It's A" and she hung up on me. She actually hung up on me. Because of Hireright's lack of due diligence, my job has been pushed back weeks. I have lost out on two paychecks and my manager is starting to get annoyed. Initially this was all confidential but I have had to give more and more details about this case to the HR people to explain to them the delay which makes me look really bad. Hireright was sued for $2.6 million in 2012 for their terrible background checks. Apparently, that wasn't enough to scare them into doing a better job.
May 27, 2015
I had worked for a trucking company for two years. Theywanted me to be an owner/operator,and purchase a truck they had. Well,signing a 3 year contract to be employeed by them,and purchase the truck I had been driving through them. Well two months later,an Ohio STATE EMPLOYEE,driving an Ohio state OWNED car ran a red light into the right side of my truck,killing HIS passenger ! The Ohio Highway Patrol covered up for the state ,I got blamed for this guys death. Lost the job,the truck I had just bought for $17,000,and my license to drive since 2006. Hireright was hired to do a bacground check on me to see what was there. There was a lot of misinformation. They said I was AWOL from the military service...which I'd never been in ! Traffi accidents were on my record that never happened. I was put on disbility due to a "major ' heart attack caused by the accident...when I hit 62 I was put into "Forced Retirement",(not by my choice I might add),because I couldn't pass the DOT physical in the job I was doing.So much for trying to get ahead. Hireright has given me a bad reputation to the public. That I'd call "liable",ad "Slander"
June 27, 2015
Does Swift Transportation use hireright to do their background checks now?
August 17, 2015
I was under Georgia first offender charge, after finishing probation I was discharged and court site says it's not a conviction and sealed.Yet hireright reports old charges. They are supposed to update their database but they report old information. Seems they are above Court system.FTC needs to help people. Politicians can be felons and get elected but citizens who paid price can't find work.
August 18, 2015
Hire Right did my background check for wells fargo and american express previously, without problems, I was cleared. Now, they attempted to run a background check for USAA and I got denied the job because Hire Right couldn't complete my report. (being that they have twice in the past). I am now finding out how many complaints are there against Hire Right, lawsuits from the Government against them and thousands of frustrated people like myself. Why do companies keep using them? But important, they are making mistakes that are damaging people to a great extent. They are so incompetent, now I am denied for a job, after all the time I invested, and guess what, another company offered me a position, but they also use Hire Right. What are my chances?
August 31, 2015

In reply to by verstappen

What couldn't HireRight complete? Was it education verification? Did USAA give you time or the opportunity to help them (USAA) complete the background check?
August 20, 2015
I have an account with my school district that shows my education and graduation information. I also have a hard copy of my transcript and a certificate (diploma) I just odered. HireRight supposedly contacted my school district and is now stating that the school district has no information on me at all. I have supplied them with the information I have, (Official transcript) and they seem to be ignoring it.
November 19, 2015
I just failed a Kroll background check to switch the electricity bill at my new house into my name. Seriously. I'm out of town, lease starts before I arrive, failed check means that they want me to show up in person with ID. Won't accept faxed or email attachment proof of ID. I can't imagine what is on that report. Kroll said that they will send out a copy in a month. Pretty annoying.
Relatively Suzie
January 26, 2016
What worries me about Hire Right is that they have peoples SS # and W2's ! They don't need W2's for proof of employment! What are they doing with that information?? Selling it to the highest bidder??
June 22, 2016
Well I was just reading all the comments on hireright, I just put an application in and they use hireright and I'm kind of skeptical now because I read all the bad reviews hopefully mine don't come back all screwed up
Jr. No middle
June 25, 2016
Hireright paid me $4200 from a class action. I was denied several jobs and going deeper into debt before a prospective employer told me hireright had me listed as a sex offender (WHICH I AM NOT). My name is somewhat common but not Smith and the person of the same name that was the offender lived 500 miles away in another state. I would have felt a little (not much) less angry if I had been mistaken with the felon in my area that is my age. He murdered someone and he has a middle name and is a Jr. I have no middle. Employers need to find a better way to do a BRC.
August 04, 2016
HireRight is BS!!! I worked for a temp agency and put in an app with the company to become permanent. Aced the interview and had major support from my managers n supervisors so I was extended a job offer. The company uses HireRight. I had to send in one of my W2s for a previous employer. Then they tell me a week later that they couldn't verify my education. I gave them the school's number and everything. I even have my actual diploma but they didn't accept it. So long story short, I ended up getting fired completely because HireRight couldn't say I graduated.... This happened yesterday. I'm so mad..
September 13, 2016
I filled out the application provided by HireRite, it stated if a charge was under GA's first offender, I didnt have to disclose. That same charge, is what HireRite provided fo the company I applied for. The person I spoke to, stated she didnt know what their application consisted of. That was a major red flag for me! Then when asking straight forward questions, the individual kept avoiding the answer, sayimg they only did what the hiring company asked of them. Really? They should really change their name from HireRite, to something more befitting. What baffles me even more is, large corporations still use this company, despite their reputation.
October 05, 2016
I have been employed through a temporary service for 4 months. My background check came back clean. I was offered a position at the job on 9/22/16. I just now received my report and it was a copy from the employer's hr. HR notified the employers of a misdemeanor on my background which is inaccuare. Non-disclosed.had no knowledge of this do to other background searches. I'm am wondering why all other employers and myself, does not see anything on my background. Even with the provided case number. I have been talking to my employers about history that's not on my criminal background because they couldn't give me specific information which made it sound even worse than what it was. They(my employer, not the temp) said they will get back with me in 5 business days but until then I can't go back to work. So upset, I filed a dispute. Looking at these reviews made more sense of the stress that I have been through behind this. I have been explaining to my employers every other day about non-disclosure info I shouldn't have to discuss in the first place, looking for papers of 5 to 7 years old, etc. I really hope this gets fixed or I will be on the complaint wagon all the way!
October 13, 2016
I applied to a company in Toronto 2 years ago and I was less than truthful about certain gaps in my employment and HireRight caught the lie. I am now in the process of applying for another job and HireRight is doing the background check. This time I have been truthful 100%. Will they use information from the previous check? I am really anxious as I had given notice at my current work. Also does HireRight USA share information with HireRight UK?
October 23, 2016
Hello guys, Let me tell you how deceitful HIre Right Company is. They ask you all this personal information about the jobs you had 10 years ago which can affect your current job offer. However the best thing to do is when filling out the work history on their Background page, DO NOT GIVE THEM INFO on your old jobs like number and name etc. Its best to just put 1 past job history to save your job offer!!!
November 13, 2016
This company is a fraud! They reported a child not having the top buckle of a car seat traffic ticket as a misdemeanor child restraint charge! I got fired from my job because of this false allegation, and they still haven't changed it!
November 28, 2016
HireRight.com (HireRight USA) is still unprofessional company when it comes to back ground checks. Its like Third world company doing background checks for Developed countries. Simple example. I have listed ALL details for my current emp including emails and contacts. Their ancient online system still asks me to provide more details. Asking Candidate to provide their own background check details?!? Interesting because they get paid to Investigate. Why ask candidate for ALL details. Co Name, dates, contacts is enough for THEM to investigate. But No. They want us candidate to provide ALL details! Also, online notification is like so old fashioned. Their process is so slow and inadequate/incompetent. Their clients must be CHEAP and from Third world to work with companies like this. Complete failure.
January 16, 2017
Time for FTC to again look at Hireright. They reported in my case charges/arrest that was discharged after completing First offender Georgia. Such charges are deemed as sealed for employment purposes by GA laws.This company managed by third world country call centers is making American unemployable. Please do something about it!
January 20, 2017
This company is a real piece of work they won't allow you to speak to someone with authority to do something about there inept services. They don't even know the name of their CEO. These people lie about small things and they don't want you to reach the higher ups. I understand why they got sued and made the FTC list. They look like they'll be making that list again. They want to do background checks someone needs to do one on them.
February 04, 2017
Hireright is a joke. If you have a report on you DAC that you want to dispute. You go through their process which could take weeks. You write your dispute they forward it on to the company that put it there in the first place and they accept or deny the accuracy of you claims. In the mean time we as good workers are getting turned down for good jobs because of 1 persons bad day or dislike of you. Companies seem to have an unfair advantage to making your life a little more difficult. This place needs to be shut down or learn to investigate to get down to the truth.
March 07, 2017
I may have lost my job because of Hire Right. I am still waiting to find out. I was the first person that my employer decided to use Hire Right on, despite the fact that I was hired there previously (moved away and came back). I had an unpaid internship with Hire Right demanded tax forms for (UNPAID i.e. NOT MONEY = NO TAXES). They also demanded verifications of employment at a university. I never said I worked at this university, I said I was attending the university and would graduate in May. Why they thought I worked here, I have no idea. They also could not verify that I worked at a previous employer and said no one could verbally confirm that I worked there, despite the fact my friend who still works there said he spoke to someone about me from Hire Right and said I work there. Completely awful service.
April 22, 2017
@ Suzie, I agree...they keep asking for my W-2's and 1099's and given all of their inept handling of data at this point there is no way I will provide it. I want to know why they are asking for W-2s to begin with, they don't list critical information about employment. I have provided them with direct dial lines to HR and direct dial lines to C-suite officers of prior companies and they have made some outlandish claims to this point. They called one of the companies and actually asked for the wrong name! What in the world and why has some regulatory body not stepped in yet?
no name given
April 23, 2017
I am in the process of interviewing with HireRight. I want to know if this is going to be a good job or a nightmare. Thanks no name
June 25, 2017
thereis company on my record that I never worked for and hireright wont take them off
July 17, 2017
The company is not a good company to do background checks, They defame your character

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