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Do you ever hear from customers or employees who want you to know that they’ve been affected by identity theft? If so, you’ll probably start seeing them use the new FTC Identity Theft Report. It tells you that someone important to your business is a crime victim, has alerted law enforcement, and is working to resolve the financial and emotional disruption that identity theft causes.

The new Identity Theft Report is a product of , the one-stop resource for people to report identity theft to law enforcement and get a personal recovery plan that responds to their specific identity theft circumstances. The FTC has updated the website to produce the new Report, along with customized letters for people to use to let you know they are victims and that your business records may contain fraudulent information about them.

The new Report replaces the FTC Identity Theft Affidavit that you may have seen in the past. You can easily recognize the Report — it’s marked “鶹ý Trade Commission” at the top, features the FTC seal, and contains a unique FTC report number for each person reporting identity theft.

If you receive an Identity Theft Report from a consumer, it means:

  • The consumer has reported the identity theft to the FTC under penalty of perjury. The consumer’s signature on the Identity Theft Report indicates the consumer is serious about the identity theft that occurred, and about fighting back against it.
  • The FTC has made the consumer’s Identity Theft Report available to police and other law enforcement agencies nationwide for investigation, facilitating a coordinated law enforcement response to a crime that affects millions of people each year.
  • Your business records may contain inaccurate information about the consumer because of the identity theft. For example, your records may show an account the consumer did not open or authorize, or charges for goods or services the consumer did not buy. The Report and customized letters are designed to help you easily identify the accounts, charges, or other information the consumer is disputing as fraudulent.

Does your business furnish information to a consumer reporting agency (CRA) — like a credit bureau, tenant screening company, or check verification service? Then the Identity Theft Report you receive also means that you must take steps to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the federal law designed to protect the privacy of information contained in consumer reports and ensure that the information is accurate and fair.

This summarizes your obligations in responding to consumer disputes under the FCRA. State law may impose additional requirements. The FCRA’s more fully sets out furnishers’ obligations under the FCRA. Among other things, it requires companies to have written policies and procedures in place regarding the accuracy and integrity of the information they report to CRAs, to conduct reasonable investigations of consumer disputes, and report the results of the investigations to the consumers within a specified time. For a refresher, check out Consumer Reports: What Information Furnishers Need to Know.

Remember, the account at your company may be just one of many the identity theft victim must dispute. Other impacts of identity theft may include denial or loss of a job, insurance or public benefits, calls from debt collectors about fraudulent debts, or denial of mortgage applications, educational loans, or other credit. While most people will be able to clear their accounts quickly, many face months of work and hardship until they regain their good names and credit.

You can help. When a consumer sends you an Identity Theft Report, recognize your company’s obligations under the law to respond and consider how else you can assist the victim.

Please share this information with your employees and colleagues so they know how to respond to victims, and also so they can turn to for help if they ever need it.


Lost Trust def…
October 16, 2016
FTC your guys are my Hero! I have masses of fraudulent and Identity thiefts still moving. I just keep paying it for wards & it's a never ending train wreck! I started to quitt. fighting back because no one believe me? I am getting sick & tired of being called a lier. That banks don't steal from us. O yes they do. With this new letter I now can prove it it is a wonderful blessings. Ty! I climed mountains to get where I am today. I am seriously ill to continue the War. But I wonder why? People strated to treat me better? I iposted Fighting !Back! Once again round 3. when I went to The Lawyers Referr service I was call ed a lier, I got blocked banned by the people that work there. Because when I mentioned my banks has started to steal again. Missing money off my accounts credit cards. And my checking account. she called me a lier again. I reply by saying I guess you don't listen to the news. Watch it you will go omg! That lady is right. I tell people that work for businesses that have stolen from me? That have nothing to do with it? Don not make it personal. Y? It keeps them to back off. Some unfortunately she continues yelling at me. Ohhh I say please stop yelling at me. SHE KEPT YELLING LIER! OK I didn't react to her. Because it's not worth it. So to say as I started to hang up. I said yes I payed the money. She said I will never be allowed to use the service ever. I was upset that I called you guys because of this this. I can now give that to everyone it makes lessential stress and hardache. I can't wait long enough for this. Ty finelly someone before s me. Took 50 lbs. Off my shoulder s. Ty ty ty! There is a God. <3 that made me very happy. Yes! Less stress more actin to check off my list...Still fighting Back! I refuse to remain a victim. Heading to Congress next law makers to hear my voice. About thiefts. And mandate tougher laws against thieves and liers. I'm going to Fight going down because I didn't steal from you you stole from me! I want my life back my credit bank losses some. A Hugh Fan to you guys here it's a blessing you must of read my post.. ♡♡ Ty ty ty! Less stress.now Justice. ! No more being nice nice nice! I am delegent gone determined L.T.D. .
October 31, 2016
I hand pll put checks in my bank account with out me knowing from someone else checks and I don't know how they got my card info or anything
October 31, 2016

In reply to by Alexsanchez

If you suspect you are the victim of identity theft, report it a .

Lost Trust def…
November 04, 2016
FTC your guys are my Hero! I have masses of fraudulent and Identity thiefts still moving. I just keep paying it for wards & it's a never ending train wreck! I started to quitt. fighting back because no one believe me? I am getting sick & tired of being called a lier. That banks don't steal from us. O yes they do. With this new letter I now can prove it it is a wonderful blessings. Ty! I climed mountains to get where I am today. I am seriously ill to continue the War. But I wonder why? People strated to treat me better? I iposted Fighting !Back! Once again round 3. when I went to The Lawyers Referr service I was call ed a lier, I got blocked banned by the people that work there. Because when I mentioned my banks has started to steal again. Missing money off my accounts credit cards. And my checking account. she called me a lier again. I reply by saying I guess you don't listen to the news. Watch it you will go omg! That lady is right. I tell people that work for businesses that have stolen from me? That have nothing to do with it? Don not make it personal. Y? It keeps them to back off. Some unfortunately she continues yelling at me. Ohhh I say please stop yelling at me. SHE KEPT YELLING LIER! OK I didn't react to her. Because it's not worth it. So to say as I started to hang up. I said yes I payed the money. She said I will never be allowed to use the service ever. I was upset that I called you guys because of this this. I can now give that to everyone it makes lessential stress and hardache. I can't wait long enough for this. Ty finelly someone before s me. Took 50 lbs. Off my shoulder s. Ty ty ty! There is a God. <3 that made me very happy. Yes! Less stress more actin to check off my list...Still fighting Back! I refuse to remain a victim. Heading to Congress next law makers to hear my voice. About thiefts. And mandate tougher laws against thieves and liers. I'm going to Fight going down because I didn't steal from you you stole from me! I want my life back my credit bank losses some. A Hugh Fan to you guys here it's a blessing you must of read my post.. ♡♡ Ty ty ty! Less stress.now Justice. ! No more being nice nice nice! I am delegent gone determined L.T.D. .
June 04, 2017
The old affidavit version was much better because it was more organized and you had a unique reference number. This one just clumps it all together and it's not very organized. Please update the online form so you can add different ID Theft cases because not all cases are related.
December 29, 2017
What do you do when you are a victim and the people continue to mess with your credit with 5 inquiries a day and your credit report is never accurate? I've been trying to get help for years, I to get called a liar, people truly do not understand the huge impact id theft has on the victim I'm told there are resources to help in every state, yet I live in Illinois and the ATG office told me to stop calling. I need legal help I've had my vehicle taken then sold at an auction for a loan I did not obtain. Do I get this new form and fill out because I'm still being messed with?
Abused &gt; STOPS HERE
April 06, 2018
April 5, 2018 When does a person say, "Enough is enough?" Well, we all must have some sort of internal clock that just says, "That's it!" "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I, too was so very lost in not knowing exactly what I needed to do and so I decided to just dive right into all the consumer agencies I could think of and one lead to another and another and finally, "I found exactly what I needed!" "I can relate to you the other feedback message left here on this Site as I too, "Have been the victim of a "鶹ý Bank" to the point that I actually got sick!!!! Any the feelings were not going away! With this New Idenitytheft.gov I honestly have to say that I know feel so much more in control and that is so very important to me as a person can only take so much! "We all have our breaking points and its gets worse when your disabled and hurting already! "So, now that I have processed and submitted my Identitytheft.gov I really do feel so much better as I feel that I am telling my "Abuser" "I am serious about what you have done to me and I am not going to allow it any longer!" I love the lay-out, the sample letters, the many, many extras. Like in my case I really needed the IRS involved as they needed to be informed as to the amounts of monies that were being reported against me and I am not taking pennies but it could have ruined my life so one day, the information just seemed to present itself and "YES" I did use what I needed and so I feel like I am making progress and refuse to be abused any longer. "Thank you so very much for being here for us, "Thank You!" I am far from knowing exactly what will happen but one thing I do know is I caught the attention of those who are abusing me and I have a feeling that if they are smart, "They will come to me to make it right and if not well, I am ready to fight for, "My Rights!" "You have given me back this confidence that I was lacking due to the ongoing abuse!" I feel so much more in control now! "I will not give up and I will demand, "Justice!" Keep me in your prayers & GOD BLESS!
May 08, 2018
when did identity theft start going down
Marie Irwin
November 21, 2018
Yes I am having identity theft
FTC Staff
November 26, 2018

In reply to by Marie Irwin

You can get help at You can report identity theft to law enforcement and get a personal recovery plan that tells the steps to take for your circumstances. You can print pre-printed letters and forms from to send to credit reporting companies and businesses.

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