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When people report scams, deceptive practices, or identity theft, the FTC and other members of the Consumer Sentinel Network regularly use that data for law enforcement purposes. But now we’re examining the information in innovative and interactive ways – and you can, too. The FTC just produced a featuring Paul Witt, the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Sultan of Stats. Give Paul two minutes and he’ll walk you through how to use the FTC’s Explore Data website.

Ever wonder about the top reported frauds in your state? How have they trended over time? Do consumers in certain age groups tend to report certain types of fraud? (An Explore Data spoiler alert: They do.) Explore Data allows you to customize the information you need and automatically create eye-catching infographics.

How can you use this information? We thought you’d never ask:

  • Explore Data gives law enforcers, public officials, media outlets, and others up-to-date information about what people in their locale are reporting.
  • If you work in social services or are active in community groups, scam stats and trends can help you help the people you serve. For example, an uptick in reports about a certain form of fraud in your state will allow you to tailor your educational messages.
  • Giving a speech or presentation? Avoid the bullet point blahs by illustrating your insights with custom infographics.

And now a word from the FTC’s Paul Witt.

Subrata Rana
January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020
Outstanding efforts by FTC to keep citizens informed. Highly appreciated. Hope FTC efforts will ignite a flame for other government agencies to follow. Proud of my country.

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